Biden should give Congress 30 days to fix it and if its not fixed threaten to reduce the numbers in Congress via military operations to a level where it'll get fixed.

You're 81 man, you're the perfect guy to do it. You'll never be prosecuted and can save democracy.

So a president can't just steal billions from the treasury for his own personal enrichment because that wouldn't be an official act. But if someone else stole billions from the treasury and then gave it to the president, he could pardon them as that's an official act.

Great system you've got there. I'm sure it won't devolve into oligarchy.

Pardons are quite clearly an official act. This means the president can have someone commit a federal crime, even if it's not an official act, and they can pardon them.

They've made the president a mob boss.

Edit: spelling

In the next two months it could go down. In the next two years there's just no way. The name alone is worth more than the market cap right now.

Don't buy on margin but buy. This is a household name worldwide. Remember when Meta fell to $90? Within a year this will absolutely be higher. The name brand alone is worth $100B and the cap is $118.

Posts like these genuinely make me scared of the next recession when we hit actual hard times. There are so many people who have forgotten or have never known an actual bad economy that I fear the suicide rate is going to be astronomical.

People who don't know how to shop or people that don't care. High grocery prices are a tax on the lazy or those unwilling to compromise. There are a million substitutions for cereal. There are sales on cereal constantly. If you can't be bothered to figure it out, you pay the tax.

They're $0.79 at my grocery store in Phoenix right now. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Dude I went to SF last month and it was beautiful. Everything I heard on TV is a damn lie. I biked around the city for 2 days and saw about 3 homeless people and police were everywhere. The BART was even clean. The last time i was there the BART was hellscape. Prices were comparable to anywhere else. Oakland has some horrifying areas just like Miami. All of these problems are local. I hate LA but the rest of CA is pretty great.

Made me remember that you can't believe it until you see it.

I saw a client where I work turn $350K of an inheritance into $130mm between late 2019 and 2021. Took the $350k and went all in on TSLA calls before their first run. That turned into $5mm and then the pandemic hit and he rolled them out to the end of the option chain. The $3mm or so that was left turned into $40mm in about a month. He bought shares and more options at this point. At the highest it got up to about $130mm. At the lows it went down to about $30mm. He cashed out in the $100mm area because of the $25mm tax bill he had coming due.

The funny part is everyone at work was sure he should have liquidated between $5mm and $10mm.

Bud, what are you talking about? My point is if people vote the chips will fall where they may. I'm ok being on the losing end of an election when the true will of the people is expressed. I'm not ok when 70% of people stay home and then complain that the system is rigged. If turnout occurs, I'd expect Biden to win.

Personally, if the youth vote had 80% turnout and Trump won I'd be damn fine with that. It's your future. Get your guy.

You can make these arguments and excuses until you're blue in the face. The 50 years of data since 18 year olds could vote has been analyzed by behavioral scientists that know a lot more than you and me. Young people are apathetic and don't take an ownership role as voters. Older people do. Every generation this happens to. These same people, as they wise up with age, vote.

The good news in this is it is a choice. Young people can take over the future of the government easily. They just need to register to vote and turn out.

In 2020 they turned out at 50% which was way up from prior elections. And look what happened...the candidate that won was the one they overwhelmingly supported. And what did he do? He embarked on a student loan forgiveness crusade to pay it back. That's what voting is... we'll get you in and you get us back.

Fair enough...let's take the expectations off those working multiple jobs. Now what is the excuse for the other 90%+ of young voters? It is apathy.

Of all the lame excuses to not vote, this is certainly one of them.

"I'm too busy to spend 5 minutes requesting a mail ballot and 5 more minutes filling it out to pick the people that will create the rules under which I'll live for the next 60 years because I have to work."

Plenty of 19 year old single moms working two jobs vote. If you're busier than that, I'll hear you out but just admit you don't find it important at that point.

Let's get them to simply show up on voting day to vote and all of these issues disappear. Young people vote at about 25% of eligibility. 80 year olds are 3-4x higher. So for every youth vote you have 4 people with their feet in the grave casting votes. It'll never change if that stat stays consistent (and it's very consistent).

The only reason there are older people in government is because older people vote. If 20 year olds voted at the same rate as 80 year olds Taylor Swift would be president next year.

There's nothing wrong with her. She's a boring bureaucrat who'd be fine. Definitely couldn't get the votes on her own. She's not going to inspire anyone but she'd be totally competent in executing the job. People forget it's mostly an administrative manager job. It's boring organization. That's why Trump sucked at it. He wants his hands in everything.

We're not worried about Democrats using the 25th amendment if needed.

DJT because the Treasury will be ordered to buy.

Those specific games he was able to score and take leads in the 3rd quarter. So ability isn't it. It's showing up at the end and extending the play and making things happen. It's scrambling when the line breaks down. It's selling the personal foul when Joseph Addai touches the bottom of your shoe 2-inches out of bounds. It's the little things. I'll remind everyone that in that Super Bowl is was 2nd & 1 and the Quarterback threw a ball 40 yards downfield and 5 yards out of bounds on 2nd down when his WR wasn't open instead of tucking it and trying to get the 1 yard. That potentially changes the outcome of the game.

Joe is brilliant. Joe is amazing. Joe can be better in these situations.

Making excuses for someone doesn't help them get better. The guy is phenomenal. This is a very big weakness in my opinion.

Here come the down votes...

Joe Burrow's biggest weakness is his clutch time performance.

He's played 7 playoff games and has one 4th Qtr TD drive (it was also short field).

He had the ball twice against KC on the final 3 minutes of the 2022 AFCCG and couldn't move the ball.

He had the ball with a chance to win the Super Bowl or tie and failed.

If he figures that part out he'll be unstoppable.