Combine that with a Mr. potato head and less sex appeal.

At your size I would go shake hands with the football coach and enjoy playing offensive line in college.

Ops whole post is about how it's some death sentence to mess up in high school. That's just objectively untrue

But going to Harvard isn't guaranteed even with hard work in high school. OP is saying making mistakes like not trying in high school ruins any chance of a successful life

I think graduating high school or getting a GED is pretty much a necessity, but it is also comically easy. The college stuff, maybe, but I'd question the data and statistics used to reach the conclusion that college guarantees "better" outcomes.

Which, to get back on track with the initial point, going to those schools specifically isn't easy even if you try your hardest in high school, so it's still irrelevant. Also, it is not necessary to attend those schools to have a decent life. That's crazy-talk to suggest otherwise.

Yeah. I failed out of college twice, and it has had zero bearing on my career in any way whatsoever.

Wearing a bathing suit to a pool party is less than appropriate? Speedos are worn unironically as common swimwear all over the world. Get it together. It's not he was walking around with his cock out.

NTA. Your brother is being a whiny baby. He sounds exactly like how my sister would act now. She got more and more absurd as she's aged into her mid 30s.

Doubt it. Middle-aged people know how irrelevant their high school GPA was in 99% of cases.

I absolutely coasted through high school and graduated with a high c GPA. I failed out of college twice, which I only got into thanks to football and basically partied constantly from 17-22 years old. Then I got a real job that didn't require a degree and flipped a switch and worked hard, and in my mid-30s, now I own a house with a stay at home mom for a wife and 2 kids. How I did in high school is literally irrelevant. I did need a diploma or equivalent for my job, so I guess graduating is the only relevant part, but now all of my career advancement has been based on my work results and effort in my job.

He did it for the laughs, though. OP doesn't give a fuck whether it was at or with. As long as you keep that energy for when a man tries to say his wife/girlfriend shouldn't wear something because it's too revealing, I guess. You got extra weird with that whole gay thing at the end too. You seem like you have some stuff to work through on your own.

ETA: the comment I was replying to is deleted now, so my response lacks context.

Trust me, I'm not coming for you at all. I was just offering the only explanation I've seen. I think it's hilarious that people just make shit up to feign indignation over.

Just another thing people made up to be offended by. I have seen it explained as being a trans thing- biologically, they arent female, but they are "women".

I think you really overestimate the qualifications to become a six flags ride operator

It's really fun. You seem to get it.

For the NOSTALGIA. I remember late 80s early 90s storyland from when i was a kid. We stopped on the way up to the family camp in Errol every year. It's fun to go as an adult and just ham it up. You're way overthinking it.

I am way too big to really make sense riding most of their shit and I do it anyway. I went a year or two ago with a great group of friends, and my whole face and stomach hurt the next day from just laughing the entire night. This year, we are renting a house nearby so we can pre-game and then properly night cap the evening. It's not about the rides at all. It's about having fun with your friends, and it's just a fun chill time.