Not only does it help you sleep (which for me, is a chore thanks to weird types of insomnia) but it leaves a therapeutic level in your system that helps combat pain but doesn't get you high. (Provided you haven't consumed any in the last 8 hours)

Before cannabis, I got 10-15 migraines a month. Now I have maybe 2. Before cannabis, I had to be in bed 10+ hours just to get around 6 hours of sleep. Now I fall asleep within minutes and stay asleep until something wakes me up or my body hit the max sleep level on my sleepometer. Before cannabis. My back would act up or go out frequently. Now, it hasnt gone out since jan 2022 and hasnt given me any sort of problems in months. I feel more alert (when not actively stoned, more energetic.... i've even lost weight! Highly recommend.

WFH is ideal for inintrovert. Because none of us feel the need to go gossip for gossip sake. I'd be happy to never hear workplace gossip again. Just let me do my work in peace.

He's the Gordon Ramsay of cops. Tough on those trying to make it in the industry, but sweet and gentle with kids who are still learning.

If you know you're the 1000 person to ask, why not just look at those other 1000 posts? If none of them have the answer, there might not be one yet.

Native Speaker

Nah, the stormtrooper who hit her was actually aiming for the guy to her right

Every millenial will recognize most of these. Ffs some.millenials have GRANDKIDS NOW. We're not Young adults anymore. We have families, careers, retirement accounts etc. If you want to screw someone with this photo, ask a Gen alpha.

I can understand not liking Lucy, but rot in hell? Cmon now. She's done nothing to deserve that.

I firmly believe when topiramate is used to lose weight, it only works by preventing people from drinking carbonated beverages.

When was the last time you said to yourself qhile playing, "I'm a damn idiot? Wtf is wrong with me?"

I did. As much as it sucked, it didn't suck as much as season 3 imo

The preachy stuff ends around the end of season 3. Season 3 is by far the worst season.

Goes into a CD not connected to my main account and I don't look, touch or even think about it for six months. Continue at my job. Remain behind on bills if necessary and then on the first day of rhe 7th month, pay off all debts, quit my job and live off interest

I had to fire my first neuro. I LOVE my second neuro. Find a neuro you like, who listens to you and doesn't disregard your symptoms as figuratively "all in your head" (no matter how much those symptoms may literally be "all in your head)

EVERYONE with chronic migraines should see a neurologist, one specializing in migraines.

PCPs don't have enough knowledge of migraines to adequately treat.

I found a neuro that specializes in both migraines and seizures, and my neurological health has never been better.

If this is your first watch through: hold onto your hat.

If this is a re-watch: you got that right.

That's been going on for a long time.

Lucy AND Chen?

Lucy and Jackson. And they don't win a medal. There's an entire scene in Grey's office where they admit they didn't become.cops for the medals

edit I'm getting voted down because OP edited the post? Really?

It grows so prolifically I'm surprised it hasn't taken over the world yet

They very much have other stations. We even see other cops form those other stations from time to time