man imagine your kid just wanted to spent time with you no matter if they aren't interested in sport, they like you and want time with you. and you show them exactly what a shitty person you are and treat them like they aren't worth your time.

this will stick with your kid for life. congrats for making your nephew like you. hope you can have daddy kid time with him cause your own son just was lost to you. you shouldn't have had kids

my point was that it's so made up and people don't actually realise it. everytime comments with a solution come, op had the next completely bonkers explanation why that would not work

if they complain tell them you are willing to go to things again if they respect you and your gf. If you do not nip this in the butt you will not keep girlfriends around long. And it doesnt matter what the stupid reason is either

What the co worker did? Madam you destroyed your relationship alone

I am just do frigging confused why the dining room is the only perfect spot to learn in that house. And aparently the opne room facing it can only be used with door and window open and of course the kid also can not sleep with any light and sound in the room BUT an open window is fine. Just one person living and breathing in the house isnt.

It's sounds so made up

Divorce the wife. Leave the door open for the kids and keep your bio kid this marriage sounds over are you sure she is faithful?

Yea at least op is willing to learn something that hopefully makes things better for them. Her ex friend aparently sees no fault in her behaviour

I don't think her friend is any better. That was plain mean

As an almost 40 year old german I am still trying to understand what it means

In my country the TV shows Autopsy and medical detectives were big hits. So I always watched true crime. It's also the thought of why. Why would someone hurt another person like this?

It became a really odd feeling when I heard one of my neighbours killed his wife in the basement and then jumped of a church building in my town. I saw those people quite a few times. my roomie has a bit more contact cause they had dogs too.

You are thirty years old and still have so much time to live happily. Don't waste it with an abuser

I love how the people in this story besides stepma all make insanely stupud life choices

I remember something my ma said out of anger when I was a teen. It was super hurtful. I did throw that back at her at one point and she admitted she did not remember and that if she said that it was not true. But she also said she knew that doesnt take it away.

Growing up means learning that your parents arent fail safe heroes. They are very very human and flawed like everyone else.

OPs dads biggest mistake was trying to lie further instead of showing remorse

"I don't ever want kids, I told her many times. I also won't get a vasectomy and will get pissed when my wife has an abortion because I won't get a vadectomy"


Listen kid don't do this. Never do shit that will hurt you just for a guy that hasn't even been nice to you.

You will have to learn to stand up for yourself and say no to people.

I don't get that his description sounds friendly. She tapped his shoulders. They hugged then her friends even chatted with them and it went on for minutes. Again if I don't wanna talk to someone or like someone I am not hugging not chatting for minutes. He started talking about it being uncomfortable all of a sudden after his wife reacted. But srsly would you behave like this if you absolutely did not want to speak to someone or disliked someone?

As I said below I know Americans fake niceties a lot so that might be my German upbringing.

I didn't readpanick because he described he was: catching up with her

Isn't that a saying for talking about things that have been going on in a friendlyanner? Cause I was told that's how to say it.

It's probably a culture thing if you guys are American.

If a German doesn't want to speak to someone we do not even entertain that. We say hello, then express we don't have time and leave for example. We do not fake niceties for the other person.

I don't feel she did but I know other people might feel she did. He could have easily said: oh btw meet my wife, no?

I am a non native language speaker and sometimes the meanings of certain sentences aren't known to me

You calling pumping women cow is all I need to know