Honestly YouTube is your best bet. Videos and actual coding is what helped me learn the language syntax. You could also try websites like AlgoExpert or the advent of code examples or leet code.

It must be quite the “time crunch”

You haven't seen tactical. It is you against aim bot 90% of the time. It is near ridiculous.

This is some revolutionary ideas science is not ready for them

Does anyone know how to do this in python? More specifically ionospheric tomography? I tried doing this a couple years ago but failed. I was using an approach of spherical harmonics and in horizontal and EOFs in vertical but I got lost in the implementation

Whoever came up with those names deserves a trophy. Creativity at its finest

This is a very sucky feeling but at the same time such a good thing to feel as well. Back when I was dating I had similar experiences and I was also kinda sad but also felt so much respect for the other person. More people should be like this

I wouldn’t say there’s nothing wrong going on here. You guys are still early in the “relationship” and getting to know each plus there’s no some sort of commitment with each other. I do agree though that there’s some green flags here because she communicated with you what happened at the bar. I would say go with the flow but don’t restrict yourself just to her. Do try and see how things go with her but if you feel there are some bad vibes coming along then go with your gut.

If you are not in post nut clarity you are living in pre nut delusion

I think the key about learning Python is not necessarily the language itself but more so the best practices of how to code Python. When I was first learning I was coming from Matlab and more so everything seemed to be quite similar but the more I coded in Python the more I learned that my syntax was correct but it wasn’t “pythonic”. Of course people may disagree as well but that was just my 2cents