It’s amazing the realizations you can have when you’re not being willfully ignorant

I get mad and call her an ugly bitch or something /s

Just started back after about ten years myself. Used to putt with Aviar. Really liking the Pure now

Yeah I had social media friends that could t understand why I was so upset over politics. Politics had absolutely zero to do with it.

Sounds great if you’re a rich, white psychopath

The groups would have to make rules about selling just released discs for above the drop price. And the retailers need to monitor order activity and place limits on how many of a limited run one customer can buy. Then they’d also have to make sure they are able to recognize bot accounts meant to circumvent the rules. It’s very tough. I know a few concert poster artists that are constantly dealing with this kind of issue.

Adobe locked me out of my account, refused to help me get back in, and then tried to make me create a new account and upsell me to the full CC suite when I was only subscribed three apps. Jerked me around for two weeks before I was able to use the products I had paid an annual subscription for.

Depends on if you’re bottle feeding or organic. You don’t need a huge pot with the bottles. You’ll have to water more often though

Cheap WiFi microscope from Amazon.

Well they haven’t had the sentencing hearing yet. But even when he is sentenced, odds he goes to jail are more or less zero

Aviar, Roc3, Leopard3, Teebird, Mamba, Destroyer

Wtf is the spritz of shit? Lmao

Won’t hurt the most wealthy. They’re gonna squeeze every last drop out of us and then let us die

No way does the ATT girl have any business being that hot lol

These famous faces all sure seem to have some nice tiddies

He’s one of very few who think could run this late in the race and have a chance

Musk did this and some people think he’s a fucking genius