I’m pretty sure what they actually mean is that we use Jesus’s birth as our year 1, the thing is that you need to have a start point set somewhere and 2000 years ago is just as good as any

Short summary is that they are sect that believe in faith healing and refuse medical care. They are the reason the U.S. had laws that prevented parents from being charged with medical neglect if they seek religious treatment instead of regular medicine.

Especially annoying because the tower is right there if you want a card to say disaster is imminent


I can provide the details on this one, a long time ago Dan published an article about 8chan’s pedophile community and he evidence the existence of this community with screenshots of the chats with photos blurred out. The gotcha here that they are trying to use is that in order for Dan to blur out the pictures he would have to have at some point an unblurred copy on his computer.

found it, “The Mods are Always Asleep”

It can both be true that the treatment of a fictional character has no moral weight but that that treatment can be an indication of your moral character in real life.

I don’t believe you believe this because that would require you to believe Super Mario 64 isn’t a 3D game because it use a lot of sprites or Mario Kart 64 isn’t 3D because the racers are sprites.


Rules for Rulers is one of the best videos that explains why politicians do the things they do.

Except at the very end where he interrupts the standoff between Mario&Co and Grodus

It’s actually pretty normal for place names to just be a descriptor that outlasted the language itself from, the likely etymologies for Africa for example trace back to being just the phrase “hot place.”

---Red---Tether-->, super fun rogue-like, the premise is that you have to defeat an alien armada but your ship doesn’t have conventional weapons, Instead you have a supply of harpoons and tethers that you use to rip apart enemy space ships or cause them to collide with each other. The fact that this rogue like is so unknown is criminal.

Maybe if leave the screen they should have a chance of tracking you down, maybe 10% per screen, and gain a buff to force a confrontation as well as make them feel like hunters


Black ones Jolie and the grey ones Ashton, both are girls.

I think it has to do with ai not really understanding what it is creating. Ai doesn’t understand the concept of objects reflecting light it just has noticed a pattern of images having patches of white pixels clustered in certain areas. So instead of carefully considering the direction of the light source in an image it instead just slaps a bunch of white spots on the character and calls it a day. TLDR: Ai makes things shiny because it doesn’t understand lighting


The thing I don’t get is how that is any different from western democracy? Wouldn’t the same power structures form as a result?


I have a question, how would the prc leadership be ensured to step down during the transition to a fully socialist society?

A fashion subculture in Japan (women who engage in this subculture are called Gyarus), the main focus is the rejection of traditional Japanese beauty standards. Pale skin and dark hair are traditionally attractive features in Japan so gyarus instead get tans and dye their hair for example.

Playing devil’s advocate that comment under a post about right wing gamers not getting the satire can sound like a right wing gamer defending themselves, of course I don’t know what you posted under so I could be way off base

It’s exploitative because being exploitative makes more money for those in power not because porn is inherently exploitative, this is true in every industry. Second, it is agreed on by most people that having a shitty job is better than having no job, so something that threatens those jobs is a concern for those people regardless of if the job is terrible and exploitative.

Did a little digging and can confirm it’s not AI, the woman in the photo was a writer for cnet and wrote an article about the whole situation when it originally went viral


Unfortunately all three belong to different language families, so while influenced by each other they do not share a common ancestor