Maliketh Enjoyer

Hah same! I think the "getting knocked out of the air" animation gives you I-frames, so the only damage I took was the initial hit that put me in that state, and the bit of tick-damage from the black-flame!

Maliketh Enjoyer

Not sure if anything has changed, but yeah it's super latency-dependent in co-op for sure. Maybe try parrying about a second earlier than you've been normally doing it and see if that helps at all. Usually to achieve this I'll dodge to the side on the first two air-slices, and then dodge toward him on the last one (trying to time it so your dodge frames are JUST finishing as the beam hits you). This gives you a lot of extra time to use the Blasphemous Claw, and sometimes helps give the game time to register you've used the Claw on the client's end.

Though sometimes if the connection is really bad it just wont register at all sadly!

Maliketh Enjoyer

It's so dang good!

Maliketh Enjoyer

I was fully clenched for that parry haha.

Haha that cheeky heavy attack after the Noble was done rolling on the pillar was *chef's kiss*.

Great job!

Obligatory shout out to Noble's Presence, all my homies hate Noble's Presence.

Permaculture newbie

Not my property, so they might come whack it down, not sure. Wouldn't be encroaching on any power lines because the lamp is just solar powered and there's nothing else connected to the pole, so they might just leave it alone haha. Figured it's worth a shot!

Maliketh Enjoyer

Copying this from a post I made about it, because it's still my fav:

I was doing NG+8, Lv. 136 run this past weekend, and I was summoning two furled fingers for the stretch from the Edtree Gazing Hill to the Dual Tree Sentinels outside Leyndell. I had a bunch of great attempts already, usually foiled by a very tense fight with an invader (I'm not great at PVP but I do enjoy it).

I took my furlcalling finger remedy, and summoned my helpers. Everything just felt right. Taking the soldier camp felt so cool. The heavy ballistas firing overhead as we ran through the valley. I have 50 Vigor, and one hit with the ballista bolt almost one shot me, so it was exhilarating.

We split up, me and one of my summons taking the left side of the ridge, and the other ran up the right. We cleared the top of the hill, and pushed in to kill the Pumpkin Head. He hits HARD in NG+8, but thankfully he went down fast. We worked our way on to the main road into the city, dispatching the soldiers wandering along the highway (is that Bellum Highway still? Not sure). Now it was time for the assault on the main gate.

More ballistas firing from above, we rush in so we're not under fire for too long. The first wave goes down pretty easy, and we get past the ballistas and climb the steps. This next part felt so badass - I was running in front, with my two summons flanking me, as we rush up toward the three heavy Leyndell knights (the greatshield swordsman and the two greatbow archers). The shieldsman starts rushing towards us, as the bowmen start firing down from above. My summons split off to take care of them, and I fight the knight. We are victorious.

I dread what comes next. The two beefed up, NG+8 Tree Sentinels. Thank god they're not Draconic, but they're still tough. I missed a dodge on their shield-dive move earlier and it was lights out for that run. But this was the run, I knew we had it. One summon goes solo on one of them, and is holding his own. The other summon and I are trying to kill the other one as quick as we can without getting too greedy. He's using Black Flame Tornado to widdle down the huge healthbar, which is great to see, but it left him very open to getting slammed so I tried to take aggro aggressively. After a few close calls, the Sentinel went down.

All three of us pile onto the other one - the summon did such a good job keeping him busy and staying alive, major kudos! The second Sentinel dies quickly under our onslaught. Glorious! We cheer and applaud, and say our farewells. And that, my friends, is probably my favorite moment from playing.

I wish I remembered the names of the summons, apologies guys if you're reading this. I appreciate you and GG.

Maliketh Enjoyer

I'm so damn tired of Rain of Arrows spam from invaders one-shotting my host from an unseen position. How the fuck does it do so much damage???

Maliketh Enjoyer

>helping some noob through Farum Azula

>Invaded by GitGudScrub


>Lionel helm + veteran set, how original

>starts by harassing from afar with Radahn's bow, deals 1400 dmg with Rain of Arrows AOW

>Hotswaps to dual great spear, applies drawstring rot-grease every 3 seconds

>crouches around and kills first furled finger immediately (they were a cosplay build)

>drops stinkpots because why not be extra toxic

>Host and I try to team up

>they immediately hotswap to Stormhawk Axe and stunlock us to death

>Host had 30 Vig in Farum

>More stinkpots

>Goes on reddit and posts video "Totally fucked up some gankers today"

>Comments are just "omg gj KING totally fucked up those cringe gankers"



Maliketh Enjoyer

Haha I think you might have invaded me last night.

I was rolling through the Forbidden Lands on my RL32 Taunter's Tongue fun run, when I see "Trusty Patches has invaded". I waited for a bit to see if you'd pop up anywhere, then I was like "eh, maybe he's waiting at the Grace at the Lift past the gargoyle." So I proceed to run up the stairs, and boy do I find out that the entrance to the lift is blocked if you've got an invader in your world.


The Black Blade Kindred is tornadoing along with his spindly-ass, impossible-to-hit legs, I'm just panic rolling at this point, maybe trying to find a spot where I could maybe cheese him. As I roll away, sipping my Crimson flask, I hear from the fog:


I get off a "Hey" emote in return, before the Kindred has his way with me.


I shook with excitement as I stepped into the dimensional rift.

I grinned, looking down at the look of horror permanently etched on the scientist's face, after it had dawned on him that he hadn't come out where he had expected to.

Maliketh Enjoyer

On the balcony with the summoning pool in Farum where you're about to get into the dragon-lighting hawk-blender:

"Bird, O bird,

Why is it always circling around?"

with the "Curled up on the ground" emote. Always makes me laugh!

Maliketh Enjoyer

I do think Stormveil is the best, I feel like it is the culmination of all the best parts of all the other legacy dungeons in the game.

Honorable mentions:

Subterranean Shunning Grounds for the way it loops back and reuses the same site of grace as you delve deeper in. Peak FromSoft dungeon design.

Farum Azula for the sheer verticality they employ here. Lots of side paths that are easy to miss, and one of the areas that took my breath away when I first saw it.

Maliketh Enjoyer

Their boos mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes them cheer lol

Maliketh Enjoyer

I don't see how that's relevant.

It's relevant because that's exactly what's happening in the video? It's relevant because OP and seemingly every invader in this thread is dunking on these three players for how they're reacting to OP appearing in front of them. If you're going to shit on these three players, then please, tell me what you expect three, inexperienced players to do when an invader spawns in right in front of them?

gross overreaction

You know what's a gross over-reaction? A whole thread of people calling 3 players "idiot gankers" for not knowing all the ins and outs of this game. I'm just trying to add a little empathy and nuance to the discussion. Clearly you're not looking for that, cheers.

Maliketh Enjoyer

Sorry, but this is the Elden Ring sub, so maybe I was just sticking to the understood definition here. Ganking has a negative connotation, so I don’t think it applies here.

Let me ask: What do you want co-op people to do when an invader spawns in next to them? Politely attack 1 at a time? Give me a break man, I get that invading is part of the game, but that doesn’t mean the Host and Furled fingers have to give the invader any semblance of respect. As a co-op’er, I always wave if I can, but I don’t have to. Why drag this host through the mud online if they’re just reacting properly to a threat appearing right in front of them?

Maliketh Enjoyer

Oh, so you just don’t understand what a gank is, gotcha.

3v1 does not make a gank, even if an invader spawns in the middle of their group like what happened here. Ganking implies that they’re going out of their way to lure invaders in, with taunter’s tongue, usually involving clearing the immediate area of enemies so the invader has literally no cover. This just looks like a case of bad invader spawning luck. No need to immediately attribute it to malice on the Host’s part. Pointing down was undeserved, and OP is gleefully acting like he didn’t just take out a bunch of noobies who clearly don’t have a strong grasp of game mechanics.

Maliketh Enjoyer

I’ve helped thousands of hosts, I’d say the majority of them aren’t afraid of invaders (honestly I wish they were, because things like this happen a lot with honest, inexperienced PVE sessions). Either you know about spawn I-frames or you don’t. If they thought OP was vulnerable, which clearly they did, why WOULDNT they attack?