Jolly Coop only added Local Coop in Downpour, I'm on Console :(

Such a good game, I hope the Watcher dlc brings online coop

Find a mid-2000s Hyundai with the V6. Use the leftover funds for maintenance, OEM sensors and Gates Timing Belts, and they'll go for a long time.

I think if it slid before with those rivets in place, they aren't what's stopping it from sliding.

I actually always go the back way thru Shikimen to go to the village 1st, so for 2 playthroughs I didn't know there was a 2nd one

9 but with a folded point like 3 and the mask from 12

Fr, can't these bots wait atleast a few weeks between reposts? I've seen this atleast 7 times this week and it's only Wednesday

Psilocybin, moving up in life and trying to distract myself with many hobbies. Some days are better than others, but I try to keep in mind a meme I saw a few years back about depression. "If you're living today with depression, you're not struggling with depression, the depression is struggling with you."

I will say for the Psilocybin, I did shrooms a few times across a summer last year and I felt it truly helped, I'm still feeling the positive effects this long after (better mood, lower irritability, ECT), but I wouldn't recommend large doses for everyone.

I'll still never forgive Netflix for cancelling Inside Jobs after greenlighting S2 for production

Not to draw away from your point because it is an excellent one, but college is an institution run by lizard people to brainwash the youth into giving them more money.

Perfect, another thing to add to the collection of things to watch!

I wasn't supposed to put the poor man out of his misery? Oops

Junkyard fender and door


Obviously cared enough to come back and add an edit. Nobody cares that you don't find it funny, we're too busy laughing at how serious you're taking a bib.

Edit: haha, Deputy pandakatie of the Fun Police deleted her comments

What're you talking about? Obviously they are, why else was I trying so hard to get them to laugh at a joke I didn't even laugh at /s

I'm not laughing at the bibs, I'm laughing at all the people taking it that seriously. But I can see where the humor is in the original joke for the bibs, hence why I explained

To convey emotion. A deadpan "We both know it's not an airplane" does not convey the frustration of a hangry child or frustration of a child tired of having food pushed in their face when they aren't hungry.

It's alittle over the top, but I don't think it's meant to be funnier because of the curses. More of a "rebellious teenager phase" starting early

I moreso read it as "We both know it's not a fuckin airplane, stop fuckin around and feed me already" kinda thing. The humour for me is from the situation, it would be absolutely absurd for an infant to say such a thing, especially to the hand that feeds, but we also know how hangry some people can get, which does fit with how cranky some infants can be. There's a lot more subtext to it than just edgy teen "haha, bad word funny, durr hurr" humour

I'm on NG+5 and my Buddy is on NG. There's not that major of a difference, mostly just more HP. Though I am only in the 250s so we don't have that major of a level difference.