I know people in northern Germany where an 18-degree temp is a perfect time to swim in the sea.

Not really, the issue is the same. Diodes (or FETs in ideal diode cases) can't "merge" current together this way.

The issue is really on the regulator's side, you need active communication between them to ensure both can handle the load: most of these are working where one is the master controller which monitors the voltage levels and controls the rest to constantly balance the current (and with it, the load) between ICs.

Diodes in OR or AND configuration or FETs can't do that, they just switch between two inputs based on their voltage.

With a smart control IC you can assemble a current control circuit where you constantly monitor the load on both regulators and use FETs to control the load levels but at that point, it is far cheaper and easier to buy a stronger regulator.

If once it goes through, it would be legal to spy on everything and everybody (mostly on regular users, since it is moderately easy to compile a new E2E encrypted chat application with new keys, so anybody who REALLY want to remain anonymous could easily solve it, while the average Joe would have EVERYTHING available...)

If you have a bunch of numbers, and want to get their average, how do you do it?

Sum all the numbers together, and divide it by the count of numbers you have.

4 + 3 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 1 = 32 The above's average is: 32 / 10 = 3.2

You can do the same with your sensor, too. Measure x number of times to sum the values (make sure your data type can hold the number! Byte can only hold 255, while int can hold a maximum of 2,147,483,64)

Then divide the times you measured in this cycle. And again, don't forget, byte and int can't hold floating point numbers (so only can hold whole numbers like 1, 5 or 200, but can't hold 3.2f).

The only actually working way to convert a PDF to Gerber is creating a schematic of the circuit board based on the design in an editor like KiCad, then copying the PCB layout.

This circuit isn't too complicated, but it would require some lookup with the drill sizes and spacing. Even as an absolute beginner, it isn't impossible, but not the best project to learn on - but if you have the motivation, download KiCad (it's free) find a YouTube tutorial or two, and get learning!

Edit: alternatively you can find someone even on this sub to design and draw it for you, most likely it won't cost you too much. But if you are interested in electronics I suggest you learn the basics, nothing is better than getting your own drawn PCB!


It is a catch-22. Young people don't vote because nobody cares about them, and nobody cares about them because they don't vote.

And it will only change if young people will start to vote in bigger numbers.

your own death. It could literally happen at any second but you pretty much go about your day as if it won’t be happening at any second.

True, but you still (should) get ready for it. Having life insurance if your loved ones could need it or if you have a mortgage, having a will if you have assets, talking with your partner about your end-of-life care and organ donations - all of these are getting ready for the second if you die or have a potentially deadly injury. True, people do ignore it, but it is still a really important part of being an adult.

Because nervous, untrained people shooting in a small enclosed space with three other bystanders isn't the recipe for an even bigger disaster... Or the happy ending would have been the "all three bystanders die"?

Last time I checked only one of these two countries invaded the other, killed tens of thousands, murdered and kidnapped a shitton of people, raped and killed pows...

And it wasn't Ukraine.

So, yeah, Russians are savage orcs who invading a sovereign country and killing their civilians.

You're not going to believe this, but every single one of the war crimes in Ukraine was committed not by putin personally, but by one of those russian conscripts

Hey now, this isn't true!

The Russian mercenaries did their best to commit as many war crimes as they could.

Designing a PCB is the easiest part of a product. I can guarantee you, that 99.9% of the designs they receive have zero sellable value on their own. Employing engineers just to find out which board has any issues and what it does, does it better than another would cost significantly more than employing engineers to simply... design the board.

It simply isn't worth it. You have stolen a PCB, yay. You still have to find its market segment (most people don't upload a whole business plan for their board, just a Gerber file + BOM), its value, potentially write software, potentially find the other needed peripherals, design its casing, create its tech sheet, manual, and finally find someone who wants to buy this. All the while if someone found out that you stole their design you likely lose most of your customers in a VERY cutthroat business where there is a shitton of competition - all for stealing something where someone is already way ahead of you with almost every step.

being fatal to humans is just an accident if they are.

No, it isn't an accident. Many spores simply can't survive the digestive tracts of animals, so mushrooms being eaten means the mycelium can't find new lands. Deadly mushrooms evolved so animals leave them alone, so they can disperse their spores using the wind.

One of the best things about AI-generated images and chatbots is messing with scammers.

Yes, but one IP address can cover basically unlimited (obviously, computing power is an issue there) URLs thanks to SNI. So you can have an incredibly huge amount of URLs available with just two IP addresses (one for the server, and one for the client). Three, if you need a DNS server, too.

Only if a million people generate unique URLs every millisecond for the next 103567 years. If one of them slacks of the job then we are fine.

Yeah, if you ask someone in Europe who speaks more than one language you have a REALLY good chance for the answer to be English, German or Spanish - or all three in this order.

An economic migrant is choosing between Rwanda and Germany. Where are they going to go?

But they don't have to choose. There is about the same chance of you dying on the way then being selected into that tiny group that gets to be sent to Rwanda.

If your clothes sizes are going down but the scale isn't, then you are building muscle, which is great - it will make it far more easier to lose fat in the future since more muscle will require more energy. You are doing great!

Just make sure to not forget to eat properly: the more muscles you have, the more protein you will need to keep them, or otherwise your body will start to break them down as it gets used to the regular exercise.

If a man physically assaulted and tried to rape me and I had a knife, I'd definitely use it rather than just succumb to being raped. I'd rather argue to a judge that rape constitutes serious bodily injury than just give up.

Some people freeze in dangerous situations. It is not a choice, it is just what happens.