Sounds like an arsehole but just in general, if you want to have private conversations then maybe save them for outside the workplace.

Ditch the macbook -- if you aren't using it for paid work, you don't need it. You don't need an ipad either. Just use your phone.

Ditch the books.

Ditch the umbrella (most places you stay will have loaners).

Get rid of half the tops/shirts.

Weird. Maybe it's a post pandemic thing because Hobart has tons of Asian students.

When I quit having sugar in coffee I really noticed the difference between bad or even okay coffee and good coffee.

Yeah and that kid on the couch is not too pleased about it!

While I agree that we hear more about the rich and famous pedos, I also think with some people the same drive that makes become top of their game can have an element of wanting to control other people and to see them as less than human.

I do a similar thing. I'm a writer and when I'm getting too emotionally invested in something like this, I'll try to observe them and take mental notes to use in my writing. So if I've got an AH client character, what is their body language like, what is their language like, etc.

Also, OP, don't be afraid to step away if things started getting too heavy. You are allowed to pause the meeting. You can say that you need to take a break. Well you should be able to say that. If you can't, say you need to go to the bathroom, to get a glass of water or whatever.

*Are you genuinely interested in what they're talking about?*

Bingo! This is what separates the men from the (incel) boys.

Yeah it sounds more like they were pulling some macho bs. If she hadn't been wearing the necklace, they might have tried groping her or something. 

Tbh, people don't need to take their kids everywhere with them either.

Yep, my son is an only child and none of my sisters have kids. He loved it growing up because he scored well for birthdays and Christmas bit its going to be hard on him as he gets older i think.

I loved the book mobile. It seemed to just randomly turn up with no set schedule where I lived.

I don't think you're going to be having this problem for much longer. 

Ikr. I freak out if I don't have time to clean properly before I leave!

The worst thing about the trend is that after the wife dumps him, he'll bitch and moan forever about her being a gold digging bitch! Well actually the worst bit is that they moan and bitch to me (white f) every time I travel in Asia and want to have a quiet drink.

The one theme park I went to was Universal Studios Japan. I went with my sister who has a disability and we got their disability pass. I think with the rides you got like a call time and there was some limit on them. We didn't go on rides though because we were just there for the Harry Potter stuff.

You know some people have invisible disabilities, right. The kid might not have been able to stand in line for a long time. I don't know much about theme parks but the only one I've been to, you didn't get to cut the line. You just were able to wait elsewhere. 

Most cleaners should be okay with someone being home. People hire cleaners because they have disabilities or are elderly plus wfh is so common nowadays.

I truly believe that our brains are too weak and puny to process the afterlife. We'd probably implode if we knew.

Can't speak for OP but for many people it's a bit of both but the main strength of the drug is that it turns off the constant chatter in your head telling you to eat.

I was on Ozempic for diabetes. Had 1-2 days a week where my arse went completely nuclear, couldn't be more than 2 mins away from a toilet. Doctors kept saying to keep at it a bit longer until the 'side effects' settled. Finally started happening and I felt okay and bam.... no more supply of Ozempic available.

So, a few months later when I could actually get my script filled I decided I wouldn't be going back to square 1. It's absolutely worthless for real medical issues unless you can be guaranteed a continuous supply.