Yeah, if only we we're not letting corps export oil. I bet you love the free market. Your ignorance is pathetic Is the U.S. the largest oil producer in the world? March 11 (Reuters) - U.S. crude oil production lead global oil production for a sixth straight year, with a record breaking average production of 12.9 million barrels per day (bpd), the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said in a release on Monday.Mar 11, 2024 US leads global oil production for sixth straight year- EIA | Reuters

Ok, here is the ruling. Biden can kill a treasonous seditious pedophile rapist racist who who goes to eastern Europe & buys a whore who wants an hour babies thus representing a clear threat to our country & is immune from any repercussions.

Try simply adjusting a savage worlds one shot for pallidus system. The terror on the frontier books would work well for this. Otherwise I would say make use of the Merc adventures sourcebook for a bunch of their hook line & sinker tools

Designed for the deluxe edition of savage worlds. It is the version before swade

"But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence" King James bible You pray she will one day find the grace to stop disrespecting your father, her husband, by so openly defying his will someday

As an ex tweaker who did b&e for money. I would have said thanks for telling me I was about to find a couple items I could sell for a grand each instead of just 20 bucks for your tv

You have so much utility as a paladin you will carry groups

Let me guess, you would only love him more if he molested your mom?

If he had actual evidence instead of bullshit investigations like you spent billions of dollars on for nothing but propaganda. Of course we would. We actually care about the law. We aren't the ones who get up on an overpass because a white man was told to pay his bills or deface religious icons because our feelings are hurt by them.

Umm, his entire record is exactly as horrid if not the exact same thing as what you listed

Lol, only until you turn on them like you always do. Remember any Jews that vote Biden aren't actually Jewish...

Pathfinder or fantasy for savage worlds is what I was going to suggest also

Completely missed the entire story of the marvel universe didn't you....

Old sin actually "These you may eat, of all that are in the waters. Everything in the waters that has fins and scales, whether in the seas or in the rivers, you may eat. But anything in the seas or the rivers that does not have fins and scales, of the swarming creatures in the waters and of the living creatures that are in the waters, is detestable to you. You shall regard them as detestable; you shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall detest their carcasses. Everything in the waters that does not have fins and scales is detestable to you."

Never been homeless I take it? Homeless guy near my house, hangs out outside a 711. He goes to oceanside uring the summers comes inland during winters. I was homeless for a while when I was an addict, we did something similar, except it was palm springs in the winter & orange country near seal beach for summers

Go prot & start dungeon running for a bit

I believe they just increased everyone's registration fees to make up for the lack of gas taxes since everyone is using hybrids & electrics now

Server you are or willingness to switch servers etc are necessary information for this type of post. Also there is a newcomer channel you can opt into. I am a guide on it & questions are usually answered quite quickly on it.

Because it is a good place to live, unlike red states. Using Mississippi as an example, they justified their treason by saying white people couldn't work in the heat of the south etc. There is a reason the poorest states are almost universally red.

My wife & I play a similar style. No real need for a guild with communities anymore

I am 100% biased, not paid just biased, but savage worlds has not been beaten by my group yet. We are currently playing savage rifts set in a space opera(sounds similar to what you described) setting where the demon wars( 2 separate hell dimensions fighting each other while trying to take over our dinension) are our biggest concern.