It's always made the following mission with Soap and Price feel like I'm out for vengeance, and not just trying to escape safely myself.

Never has a mid-tantrum dance-off been so enthralling.

Being shitty to service staff or anyone they perceive as being "beneath them." Remember covid, when certain people were "essential workers"? Well, why not just treat these workers like what they are without any damn label - normal, everyday people, trying to make a living and get through all the bullshit life throws at us.

Unfortunately, all the good boys that were left behind when the Mongols left were adopted by the Shogun's samurai.

Man, I just started Nioh 2 and it's so fun!

Whatever it's called, you're rocking it!

Being extremely critical of myself. Not wanting to pursue my interests and hobbies because other people might not approve of them, or even speak about them to other people. Struggling to open myself up to people and taking part in group activities because I'm scared of judgement and being perceived as being inadequate. Feeling very uncomfortable in situations where people don't agree or where I have to say no to something, as I'm scared the argument or discussion will turn into a fight.

Dead Space. DS3 was a steaming pile of shit, but it ended on such a cliffhanger (I think, anyway). Really want to see how the story finished up. Or, maybe that was the end of the story.....

ETA: oh yeah, and fuck EA

They're putting their bare feet on the kitchen counter tops🤢

Yep, that's the one! Can't find a video of the clip online, just stills, but nice to know I didn't completely imagine it.

This might be a case of the Mandela Effect, but was there a scene where Homer says D'oh, it echoes loudly, and it ends up terrifying all the animals in a zoo prompting them to escape, including a monkey who tries to escape by jumping on a lion, or zebra, or something? I hope I'm not going crazy.

This is one of my favourite clips from the show. I just find it so absurdly funny.

Man, what I love about FromSoft games is the exploration, getting your ass whooped by a boss or tough enemy, getting stronger, getting your ass whooped again, changing up your build or trying a different approach with new weapons, etc, and getting your ass whooped again by a dog on the way back to the boss fight.

But it's all worth it. The exploration really is a key part of these games. My first FromSoft game was Bloodborne, didn't know what to expect, and gave up after 40 mins. A few months later I came back, and it became one of my favourite games ever. In my opinion, it's not a case of git gud. It's a case of git explorin'.

Paleblood moon adds 4 hours to the day.

Oh yeah, I'm the same. Mess around with some basic chords, mix them up a bit to get an interesting sound, and then have no idea what works with it because my theory is terrible. I really need to work on it.

Contrary to some people saying that theory inhibits creativity, I find the opposite is true for me. I wish I knew more theory, so I could fit those chords together, or play interesting modes underneath them.

Same here, but what the hell is G9sus4? I'm pretty sure that's a password I used 15 years ago for something or other.

Saturn Devouring His [sic] Son: A Live Interpretation. Brought to you by Animal Planet