No one I work with believes the company has your best interest at heart. Please. Healthcare in America is about profit and investors. Don’t believe it? Can’t help you.

There are ups and downs. They pass. Don’t be angry, be patient.

Wherever she is $100 is probably half her paycheck. Ask, how much in groceries can you get for 1/10 of your weekly paycheck.

Depends on what you’re into. Loved BSG but enjoyed The Expanse a bit more.

Two of my best friends fucked my girlfriend. Felt like world was collapsing. High school, fuck yeah.

A guy went windsurfing on lake sans life preserver. He didn’t know how to swim. Darwin material.

Ya think Trump won’t mirror Gaza? Unfortunately this is an election for the lesser of two evils.

Biden used to take the train from Delaware to work. These assholes with prime health insurance and retirement can commute. Jfc

You can thank the news media for presenting him as a realistic candidate.