Your sister is an AH. Tell her that the damn world doesn't revolve around her. Sick child should be at home resting. And just because the kids fever is gone doesn't mean someone else in the household isn't a carrier now also but not showing symptoms.

I'd start asking if she's had a yearly checkup and when she asks why, say I'm concerned about your mental health.

She could actually have beginning stages of dementia if this is new behavior

Your husband would have shit a brick if he was my dad when I was a kid.

My favorite was nasty ass two live crew 🤣🤣🤣

I'd ask him if it's the rap itself or that some of it is overtly sexual or refers to criminal activities that he has issues with. If it's the latter, just ban specific songs or artists.

Honestly though, I don't think I'd want children with someone that attempts to make unilateral decisions about parenting. You being told no rap is miles apart from him discussing it with you and a joint decision being made.

That he's been in prison also... Eh. Sounds like he needs therapy to me. Why's he married to a black woman if he's a damn racist?

I'd be spending that money on a divorce attorney.

NTA but why the hell are you married to this guy?

He needs to pay 50% of everything. Start separating your finances now.

Nothing in this post screams out that either of you love each other. You sound resentful (with good cause) and he sounds like a second child

Marriage is a partnership. He's failing at that miserably. Did you get married because of the baby? If so, that's the wrong reason to marry someone.

This is either going to need marriage counseling or divorce court eventually. Your resentment will not go away unless he steps up and starts pulling his own weight. Give him a list of things he needs to do and then absolutely refuse to lift a finger to help with those things. You will very quickly find out that you're his bang maid.

This guy is a leech on your time, energy and emotions. Stand up for yourself and tell him either get your shit together or GTFO

Girl you need to cut her off. Like... yesterday. Completely NC this ridiculous woman. SHE is the root cause of your brother's shit behavior. Stop engaging with her. I'd write her a letter and explain all the shit she's said and done over the years and tell her she either seeks therapy to help herself stop being a POS human being or you're done with her too. Your brother needs therapy too. Both of them are repulsive.

NTA at all but stop letting those two people hurt you.


Tell her to sell the dress you bought and go buy the other one. Family can also pitch in if they want her to get the other dress.

The last person who ever got a key for my home was my ex mil. I came home from work one day to her putting wallpaper up in my kitchen that had not been picked out by me or even discussed.

Key was revoked on the spot and caused a shit load of drama but I established a very firm boundary after that.

Parents do not need a key. If it's an emergency they need to call the police and paramedics. They can get in other ways.

You guys still are so much nicer than I am. I would call Aunt Becca directly and tell her they're not welcome in my home. Period. It might start family WWIII but so be it. She's putting this on your in laws knowing how people feel about him so I'd just cut out the middle man and go straight to the source.

"Aunt Becca I know you want things to be different between John and the family and completely understand that you're supporting him as his partner. However, that's not your decision to make for other people. It may be best for you to head straight to your intended vacation destination."

If she gets mad, oh well. She picked this person and just like other bad decisions, there's consequences.

She's forcing the issue by using OTHER people. I'd just shut that shit down directly.

Honestly I'd tell him I'm going to s nude beach and the bikini isn't needed at all.

Any man that is controlling what you wear needs to go. If you're an adult, even your parents no longer have a veto either.

While you are away from him, I'd be doing some serious thinking about what exactly he brings to the relationship and start deciding on some non-negotiable boundaries for yourself.

OP the only way I'd go back is if he goes NC with her. Otherwise get a good attorney and leave his ass.


If he wants them, and he's paying, give him the vendors number and let him deal with the logistics himself. If he doesn't want to take responsibility for it, then the no stands.

Your dad thinks this is women's work to deal with and needs it put back on him to handle himself.


If you want your sheets ironed, you're doing that yourself. I haven't touched an iron in over twenty years.

It's obvious you resent dil. Would be a lot less assholey to simply ask them to move out.

Kid should ask to live with Dad until your son and dil are back on their feet. She didn't ask for any of this, much less to become your maid.

You sound ridiculous to me.

YTA but you already know that.

Just establish a trust for your inheritance. If it's that much, your parents should be consulting a financial planner and attorneys anyway.

Most states also don't recognize premarital assets as joint anyway.

However I'd want a prenup also. She can either get on board or get off the train completely. It's really her choice at this point but your phrasing leaves a lot to be desired. You may also have someone whispering in her ear about this. Sit down and have an open discussion about this.

NTA if you call it off though.

I was bit as a child around that same age. I don't hate dogs but they make me uncomfortable being around them and at best I mildly tolerate them near me as long as they are on a leash. Off leash... Eh... Keep that thing away from me.

My bf had a dog before we moved in together and he constantly snapped at me. I didn't shed many tears when he passed and my anxiety level drastically decreased without the dog in the house now.

Your nephew could maybe go to therapy and see if they have suggestions on how to reintroduce him to dogs but he's not really missing out on anything if he doesn't. Not everyone is a dog person. It shouldn't have any drastic impact on his life.

You have a husband problem. Sending pictures when you don't want them sent... And telling her what you told him about sniffing his undies. Yikes.

If they're old enough to ask for "boobie" they're old enough to get chicken nuggets. That would be a hard pass for me.

I'm the same way. I'd personally pump and bottle feed in public but I'm also very modest in general. Whipping a boob out in public just wouldn't work for me.

Your in-laws are overstepping and your husband needs to put his foot down with them about it. I'd NC them until they understand that is one boundary that I wouldn't tolerate them crossing and they wouldn't have access to Ray until it stops. Even after that I wouldn't allow unsupervised visits for them.

Good luck.

If you have to hide things about your relationship, you shouldn't marry the person. But you did and now see how well that works out...

Get a good attorney and let him know that unless he agrees to your stipulations, you'll be disclosing all of the lies to his family.

Get away from this man.

NTA he is for ever lying to his parents and for asking you to promise something like that knowing eventually it wouldn't work.

Kick his ass to the curb.

Until he gets extensive therapy and stops this behavior, there should be no more fostering or adopting. He's actively causing trauma to your children. And your baby isn't exempt from this treatment. Every additional child you bring into the home with him is in danger of emotional trauma because of his behavior. And at that point, if you allow it to continue, you're just as guilty of causing it.

I wouldn't have more children with him. He's broken. Don't let him break your kids too.