Zero planning hasn't stopped them before

Maybe his wife's opinion should stay out of the court too then

When Google starts to become a victim of the enshitification that they themselves created...

A certain joint SEL said something about skinny jeans and looking cute on our off time, or something like that...

Most reservists are in the reserve for the "part time" benefits and stability that it offers. Are we really expecting them to just gamble on becoming active duty until we do figure it out, and in the meantime all they have to go off is "Trust me, bro?"

I agree, it's not hard! All they had to do was ask some reservists "Hey, what would it take for you to switch over to Space Force?" and then have the slightest amount of follow through by giving them assurances on what the policies will actually be. Instead, we'll be losing ~90% of our reserve personnel because nobody knows exactly what they're getting into, because we as a service keep leaping into the shallow end of half-filled swimming pools without looking, and hoping for the best.

So we're doing it this summer...

But they haven't figured out pay?

Or systems to track it?

Or what jobs will be part time?

Or what the activation process is?

The one time we've given ourselves plenty of time to do something right, and they're like "Nah, we can do it right now! Just don't ask how!" Why the fuck do we keep doing this to ourselves?

Since you can't prove a negative, here's a cheeky alternative:

  1. God is a maximally powerful being.
  2. A maximally powerful being would be able to overcome maximally great handicaps/challenges.
  3. The greatest possible handicap one could experience is that of non-existence.
  4. Therefore, God doesn't exist!

I wish I could take credit for this, but this came from Dawkins' book The God Delusion.

I'm no expert at anything for 3d printing, but even I'd be hesitant to say that there may be one "best" tool head, as it depends on what you're looking for. A tool head that's good at cooling by including two 50mm blower fans may not cut it for someone who wants their voron to be a speed demon, and someone who wants to be able to change tool heads might only care about ease of changeout, which conflicts with both of the previously mentioned qualities. Not to mention, it should probably also be compatible with the rest of the Voron ecosystem. Not saying this isn't worthwhile, but it might be pretty tough to get a consensus on what is considered "best."

This really helped me out, upgraded my GPU from Nvidia to AMD, and this was the issue for my low frames. Thanks!

Is it plugged in via USB? Your klipper setup looks like it's being set up for UART (USART?) instead of USB. If those aren't the USB pins, that might be where the issue is. That's my best guess, sorry if this doesn't help.

Check your pin assignment for your thermistor, it might still be set to the main board instead of your can board

I would not be able to do my work if I did not have my coworkers phone numbers. If your boundaries are crossed whenever someone does a pretty normal thing like exchanging contacts (when your gf has been telling you what's been happening the whole time as it's happened), it tells me you're pretty insecure, and there's no way your gf doesn't sense that. She's been up front with you about what their relationship is and how he feels, and has allowed you to access not only her phone, but screenshots from another dude's phone too! What more could she do to make you feel better about this? Stop talking to males entirely? Get rid of her phone?

You're overreacting. It's ok to feel uneasy, not trying to invalidate that, but your actions are risking your relationship by disallowing her autonomy, which may ultimately push her away. She chose you. Let her continue to do so instead of trying to control.

C'mon bro, it's just 8 more dollars bro, please bro it's not that much bro, bro only 8 dollars a month bro c'mon, you don't even like ads bro, please. - Streaming Services

Tribes: Ascend. I miss that game more than some family members.

See my previous comment about tone deafness.

They don't care about red status, they actually want it. They also want compliance at the same time, which drives actual redness.

Also, didn't know if you noticed, but life happens to people outside of the 3 weeks their allowed to take leave during the prepare phase - it's not just about taking leave, it's about being able to handle life outside of a mandated work schedule.

Nobody got told that that idea was a good one, so we picked the only Idea that was presented to USSTRATCOM, because it was the only one.