NTA why is your mil competing with the grandkids? Does she just want to win something that badly?

This reminds me of South Park when cartman competed in the special Olympics so he could get a gold medal.

NTA is say go NC with your parents and brother.

It sounds like they bring nothing of value to your life and are totally indifferent to you anyway so why stick around? To make them feel better?

Take care of yourself and live your best life with your husband and family that does actually care about you

NTA where is the repair, Lucy has been saying all this stuff about you for a year to everyone she needs to make a public apology and let everyone know she was wrong for her shitty comments.

Also for her to personal attack you over some food like that is way out of line and I would want her in my home either.

But the biggest asshole her is your brother, he knew you didn’t “ eat all the food” he did and he was ok with letting you be treated like shit by his wife because he was to “ embarrassed “ to fess up.

So sorry for you and your families loss.

My heart goes out to you all ❤️

NTA Honestly why would you want to keep your relationship with him? He doesn’t respect you, he stiffed you the last time you helped him out and he sounds like a jerk.

NTA you didn’t humiliate your nephew, your sister embarrassed herself.

Especially when there is only about an eight foot danger zone stay out of it and you are fine.

NTA you IL are crazy, you didn’t “ take in to account everyone’s feeling”

Like they get a say in what you and your husband do in your life is just idiotic. I would go low contact for now and if they bring up anymore shenanigans they would probably just be cut off.

NTA don’t feel bad, your sister has made poor choices that could have killed herself or worse someone else.

You would be irresponsible allowing that kind of selfish person back on the road.

Country Robin William with some words of wisdom.

NTA sounds like your brother can walk if he wants to be an ass about getting free rides.

NTA Micheal doesn’t live there anymore and you very much need the space. Micheal can get over it.

NTA she shouldn’t be allowed in public. You and your brother didn’t deserve to deal with her bullshit.

I’ve heard dickin the dog Fairly often.