I have 2 kids: Kathy (29F) and Michael (25M). Kathy lives with me , pays a portion of the bills and has no plans on moving out anytime soon. We have our own business that we operate out of our home. It’s easier for her to live here and it’s great because I have help with the bills. Whereas, Michael lives about an hour away for work and has his own apartment. For awhile, I kept Michael’s room as is. He’s shared several times he has no plans of moving back home as his job is in the city he moved to.

Kathy had a very close friend who has a 2 year old daughter, Zoey. Friend named Kathy her daughter’s godmother as well as guardian should she pass. Unfortunately, that happened 6 months ago. Kathy’s friend was a single mom, so Kathy was granted custody. At first, Zoey was sharing a room with Kathy as she had extreme separation anxiety. However, she’s now ready for her own room. As our home is a 3 bedroom. We don’t have anywhere else to put her.

When I told Michael what we were doing, I said I’d get a pull out for the living room or I could get a daybed for my room when he visits overnight for holidays. I know rooming with your mom isn’t fun, but I want to give him options.

He’s mad that I gave the room to Zoey. He says that was his room. I said I understand but he doesn’t live with me. Kathy does and pays bills. She’s even paying more now because she feels she’s using more resources with Zoey living with us. I’d feel different if Kathy and Zoey were moving out soon but they’re not. At this point, Kathy plans to adopt Zoey. I want to help her. My mom helped me raise my kids, her mom helped her, it’s in our culture to have a multigenerational household.

Moving isn’t an option. I can make the space more private for Michael when he spends the night (a divider in the living room). But as he usually only sleeps her 2 or 3 times a year, it just doesn’t feel practical.

I said if Michael ever needed to move home permanently, we’d make something work. And I’d also help him with his child if he was in this situation. He says he doesn’t want kids. I said that’s fine but this is the situation at this moment.

He feels Kathy should move out. I said I’m not kicking her out just so he can have a room the few times he spends the night.