Bullshit. Rape. has absolutely nothing to do with sex. It’s about power and control. It has more to do with how women are objectified in a culture. There are NO statistics that back up what you just stated. Educate yourself.


NTA. Time to call the health department, social services, whoever to force her to get the help she needs. It’s obvious her sons are going to do jackall to help her. At least you can start the process of getting her what she needs.

You have a much bigger problem than this. It’s time to start establishing boundaries with mom. Start with this issue. Tell her once to drop it. If she doesn’t? leave where she is, hang up, etc. Do not continue to allow her to keep talking about this. It’s cooked. Over.

Your nagging isn’t working so you should stop.

Practically, you need to have life insurance policies - for BOTH of you. His should be enough to pay off the house and give you five years of bills and such. Yours needs to be able to pay for everything you now do.

You cannot make him lose the weight but you can protect you and your children.

NTA. your brother and SIl should have had childcare arrangements made before the children were born. It is not your responsibility to rear and financially support your brother’s children. They have a distorted sense of parental responsibility.

If you were a brother and not a sister ethyl would not even be asking you to do this.

Take your promotion and move on. Your brother and SIL will have to figure it out.

While Youa re at it, tell your parents to back the fuck off. This is NOT their business.

Or, OP found it odd they all jumped in the shower together. You cannot tell from the way it is written.

Get some counseling to help you stop this. Your life is not hers. She’s made her decisions and now gets to deal with them.

You really need to see a therapist.

“Fake prude”??????? SFO you think YOU get to decide what other people have to do with regard to their sex lives? You are as bad as the OP.

You don’t get that it is sooooooo not his business to discuss this with anyone? It has nothing to do with him. It’s not his story to tell.

He’s an Ahole and so is anyone else who thinks they have the right to gossip like this.

NTA. But your husband and his family are. I wouldn’t let FIL organize another activity ever. Your husband needs to pull his head out of his ass.

NTA, but he is. And his entitlement is disgusting. Most of the world doesn’t get to take off to Africa for an extended vacation. Why can’t he find something to do taht is close to home?

NTA. That’s a A+ in manipulation from your mother. She’s teh Ahole. This wedding isn’t about her or faaaamily, it’s about you and your betrothed.

It says a whole lot about her that she is willing to miss her child’s wedding because of this. And it is not good.

Hahahaha! /s I just retired from teaching maths for thirty years. My grammar and spelling are better than that of most people - including the English teachers with whom I worked.

Math is a language. English is a language. You should be good at both.

Don‘t use the Queen of the Sciences as an excuse for your lackadaisacal approach to being able to communicate.

NTA. She’s correct. To you they just exist. Just like millions of other people on this planet with whom you have no relationship and do not know.

Continue the legal action.

I’m betting money that she wants YOU to take over their care.

Uh, I am an atheist. I believe in paranormal things. There are lots of things that happen that have not been explained (yet).

I am not sure why you think I cannot be both.

So, I was correct. They were completely out of line and it cost them a relationship with their son, his wife and children.

They got what they deserved. Do not even bring it up and if your parents don;t stop pestering you? It’s time for you to think about limiting contact with them. They sound awful.

NTA. Your parents are NOT entitled to a relationship with him, SIL, or their children. Wanna make sure you are on the NC list? Start interfering.

By the way, what your parents did for a year to your brother? I do not blame him for going NC.

What????????????? So, I reject someone who isn;t a vegetarian and doesn’t like pets and I am a bigot???????

There’s something wrong with you.

First, it’s that you have no idea what the word bigot means.