Why not serve time until the deportation is set up? Why waste tax prayer money housing and feeding them if the system knows they're going to be deported? Organize the deportation as quickly as possible, hold them until then, then send them away.

Most North Americans don't have a solid grasp on what healthy is.

Sing it for the boys, sing it for the girls.
Every time that you lose it, sing it for the world.
Sing it from the heart, sing it 'til you're nuts.
Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts.

Some people are lazy as shit

When did people start thinking that it was OK to clog up EMERGENCY rooms with the non-emergencies illnesses and checkups? (Yes, I know this has been an issue for a long time)

Dude, just go to a walk-in or book an appointment at a medi centre until you can find a reliable family doctor.

He sounds like you when you were a preteen/teenager.

YTA. This a 5 year old, they are not exactly rational humans. The kid doesn't need therapy. The kid needs parenting.

Look who's commenting. You also have the spare time to lash out at an internet stranger on a holiday Monday. This post must have hit a nerve.

Drivers are getting too entitled. More and more people are treating our highways like the autobahn.

I can't imagine being so bored with my life that I would need to vandalize a crosswalk.

It's not a problem, not even an inconvenience. Stop making up issues.

NTA, you should probably go through with those charges

Just reinforcing the point that humans aren't vegans.

I think the “humans are herbivores” argument has more merit than “humans are carnivores”

Neither are accurate. Talk to someone who is actually educated on the subject.

Most people associate obesity with very large people, morbidly obese. But, you might be surprised that someone is considered obese around 25-30% body fat.

Chill dude. There's no reason to waste energy getting mildly upset over this.

1.) You assumed correctly.

2.) Vegetable waste still stinks. You're nose blind to your own waste like everyone else.

3.) This goes both ways. Of course, you only remember the negative experiences. I only remember the vocal vegans who harass others, too.

4.) Of course, vegetables are great for pooping.

5.) This does strike me as a benefit, and it's not exclusive to vegans.

Did I say OP harassed them? No. I said they're used to it because, as we all know, vegan are infamous for harassing people.

It's almost like she's used to being harassed by vegans, weird.