And still, the goat-head thorn farts in your general direction. Very nice effort though...

It's like alcohol consumed on an empty stomach absorbs faster or something.... If this had only been a known fact for decades...

Childhood memory unlocked...

Ww did this for small cats too

Visit Manitowoc, WI and see the Cobia before September, 2025. Grab luch at The Fat Seagull afterwards.

After spending 3 years at FT Huachuca, I can confirm this. Our airfield was a popular nesting spot .

How optimistic to think humans will still be around then...

Heh, timberland hiking boots are the only ones that have lasted more than 3 months at my job..

"Pardon the interuption sir, but there is a rather portly man and a little child here to see you..."

Edit: named the wrong one

Down voted for telling the truth, typical reddit...

Zoos are incredibly expensive to operate, and many mostly operate off of public funds and/or donations. If you want better enclosures, "start loving your zoo" and donate (or at the very least volunteer).

Supposedly, back in the sixties, an elephant in one of our local zoos had perfected the art of sticking it's trunk out of the encloser (that was no doubt entirely too small) bars to "beg for peanuts". Then, one day, when someone reached to give it some, it grabbed their arm and pulled them through the bars, killing them. Unsurprisingly, and unfortunately, its days were numbered after that.

That is the first thought that popped in my head after seeing "gives it back". Especially after all the orcas attacks that have happened. Thankfully this was a happy ending.These amazing animals are a lot smarter than we give them credit for.

"It's got the electrolytes that plants crave....."

Seriously though, this is the kind of petty shit that makes all liberals look bad and creates divison between not only liberals and the general public, but also amongst liberals themselves. But that was probably the point, keep us extra divided to prevent the forming of a united social consciousness. I'd be far from shocked to find out that "folx" was the brainchild of some far right think-tank and/or foreign propaganda department.

This works for my average trip to the grocery store post covid. I work in a dirty, sweltering warehouse, and when I stop to get groceries after work, I am usually far from the smelliest person there. Even before I douse myself in bodyspray to hide my own stink. Just seeing some of these people, you can tell that they haven't bathed in 3-6+ days, not to mention how long it's been since they washed their clothes.

We definitely need to do better, and that includes trying to change the world around us so that everyone is able to at least try to do better.

The Russian or CCP propaganda trolls really struck gold with this man v. Bear thing...

Fun fact, many brands of superglue release cyanide when heated above a certain temperature...

"How dare they interfere with our propaganda and social engineering attempts to destabilize their government and economy.." - CCP

"21 year old woman has yet to learn that she should mind her damn business and worry about her own problems"

Headline fixed

A lot of propaganda they don't work well in humid and/or below freezing environments

I'm in this gif and did not consent to it being shared.....

But, definitely Ren & Stimpy, or something made by the same people...