His defense was surprisingly decent with the Clips. Seeing as how our bench has zero ball handlers aside from Jaime now I wouldn't mind him. I don't think he makes us contend but at this point I don't think anything will.

DevOps Engineer

For deep ancient knowledge it was two guys who were near retirement. The software product itself is >20 years old, they'd been working on it for probably most of that lifespan. They got laid off last year and this year.

Then the next best was an Ops guy that had been here for around 10 years. He got tired of having to do the new contractor's work for them so he left a couple months ago.

Since then, it's been me. I just resigned last week.

Defense is the first thing to go with age. Jimmy last reg season was not the defender we were used to, and it's only gonna get worse.


Some people make hundreds of millions for hitting a ball with a stick.

If value of work accomplished mapped fairly to pay then teachers would be wealthy and advertisers would be homeless but the world's not like that.

It's a mix. Depends on the module implementation. I think they aim for declarative patterns where its easily applicable.

  name: httpd
  state: started

I would call that declarative. Take action if needed to reach a declared state.

  name: foo/bar:baz
  path: /some/path
  dockerfile: /some/dockerfile

I would call this imperative, in particular because it would be difficult to pattern something like this truly declaratively.

Cole Swider has gotten like 10 total minutes of non-garbage time play. Every time Spo tried to play him he got the hook in like 3 minutes.

I don't know if Alondes got even one minute of non-garbage time play last season.

This is what I mean about no one in the pipeline. In 2021, Gabe had been on the roster for a year already and was getting rotational minutes. Max was getting his first rotational minutes, and had a couple games scoring 20+. You could see them growing into real players. We haven't seen that with the current crop of G-Leaguers.

And re: Richardson as a PG, no. Richardson is not a point guard, and every time we tried to use him as one we would lose like 6-8 seconds of shot clock because he's incredibly slow to set up and our offense would look terrible. Our offense started looking better after Richardson lost ball handling responsibilities after the Rozier trade.

my feet would get hot to the point where I would break down crying at night, unable to sleep


That hasn't panned out recently though. Our developmental pipeline kind of dried up. Our only two long term projects have been Jamal Cain and Orlando Robinson--Cain is gone and ORob is meh. It's not like 2021-2023 where we had Gabe, then Max, then Caleb, then Highsmith all lined up and contributing.

Given that they immediately handed 2 Two-Way contracts after the draft to new prospects, whoever we had in the pipe apparently wasn't yielding results.

I think this is a shortsighted reaction. We didn't need him because we thought Dame was coming. After no Dame suddenly we found ourselves with no PGs but Lowry who could only play like 20 effective minutes.

A PG that can shoot and play point of attack defense is exactly something we need positionally. His contract may have seemed not worth it going into his FA but the math has changed now that we're down so bad for a point guard. Any player that fills in for his shooting, ball handling, and defense is going to be just as expensive if not more.

Crystal DC/Malboro, same here. 3k queue to log back in after queues were under 50 since EA launch

Same. Something must have gone wrong.

Queues were like ~30 for the last 2 days on Malboro, suddenly 3000

Difference is the market for Jimmy was low. His team didn't want him. He was considered a locker room cancer. We got him cheap (expensive role player contracts + 1 pick) because his market was cheap.

Who's out there now that we can get for Herro/Duncan and 1 pick? Who's a star player that teams are trying to get away from?

In the last several years its been Kyrie and Harden but we didn't want them apparently. Can't name any others.

Just need LA Gear and Pro-Keds to come back

The largest corporation in world history had, adjusted for inflation, a greater value than the combined market caps of the 15 largest companies currently on the NYSE. The East India Company was so large that it eclipsed major sovereign nations. It had a standing army and navy that numbered twice as large as the British army at its peak.

How big a company can grow is largely arbitrary. If a company demonstrates stable nuclear fusion tomorrow they will be valued at numbers you never thought possible.

Its good to be skeptical of rapid growth, but the reasons to be skeptical aren't because of crossing some imaginary maximum value line.

Considering savings/CD rates are as high as the are right now, they're as good a place as any for emergency money. People generally want their emergency money to be liquid.

Back when rates were low I had my emergency money in 90/10 Ibonds/stock just to try and outpace ~2% inflation, but I always felt kind of bad about that strategy. Maybe now that trade clearing has been reduced by a day the illiquidity is less of a concern.

Considering EW was a grand finale for an arc it wouldn't surprise me if it got more VA budget


TFA wasn't bad from a competency standpoint, it was just derivative. Like, for the most part it didn't have moments that made you confused how something so bad could make the final cut. I'd even say that up until Starkiller base was introduced it was doing a pretty bang-up job. I thought the character introductions in particular were pretty strong. Rey's introduction scavenging and her plight against the Soup Nazi on Jakku, Kylo's introduction roughing up villagers, Finn's introduction and his issues with being a Stormtrooper, all fine. I have no qualms up until the I-can't-believe-it's-not-Deathstar starts doing Deathstar stuff.

The other two movies had entire sequences that made you wonder how this was allowed to happen as you watched it in real-time.

I have the entire first 5 minutes of this memorized. I don't know why.