Yes this happened to me - the uber driver waited for me to walk up to the car and then drove off when I went to open the door.

I’ve also been noticing that what I am charged is often significantly higher than the fare I was shown when I booked the uber. It is super frustrating!

I can’t decline actually, they include the tip automatically in the total charge when I give them my card

Tip included at bars?Dining/Food/Drink 🍽️🍹

I’m a regular at a bar in Fenway, and in the past couple of weeks I’ve noticed that the bartenders automatically charge a 20% tip for every drink I order. I understand this kind of thing for large parties at a restaurants, but in this case its just me ordering a beer. Is this normal? I generally tip 20% for drinks anyway but it feels weird that its not my choice anymore. Let me know if you guys have experienced this too in Boston.

Update: the bar is Loretta’s Last Call


Yes the baby tooth was fused to the bone and there was no adult tooth underneath.

No but they do have to join the church of scientology

I definitely don’t think of myself as the prize, I want to be with someone who I can love and support in every way I can. But it is possible I am giving off the wrong vibe.

Introspective thought is scary

We mostly talk about work, hobbies etc… I know I used to be very attractive, I’m not sure if I actually became less so or if my self-perception has just changed.

He felt like I didn’t give back enough, he was putting in all the effort and I was just along for the ride. He was right actually, and it was definitely eye opening because I really liked him :/

Your first RC is confirmed real :/

Experimental LR

I took the test yesterday and in one of my LR sections I recognized questions from previous tests. Does that mean that this section was the experimental? Thanks!!


Super smooth and no interruptions, it felt like I was alone taking a practice test tbh

I walked away from the October LSAT totally sure I got a perfect score. I ended up with a 173. I was disappointed (I know its a great score but I am shooting for HYS) and I thought I could do better so retook it yesterday, and walked out bawling because it was so hard 😭 definitely regretting my choices


Hi all,

I got 173 on the October LSAT, and I know its not as high as some other tutors but if anyone is looking for a cheap, last-minute tutoring session before the January exam, please let me know! My rate is 20$ per hour. Good luck everyone!!

Affordable LSAT Tutoring

Hi everyone, I got a 173 on the October exam and have many PT’s in the high 170s/180. I’m particularly good at LG and RC and would love to help others with those sections. If anyone is looking for an affordable tutor please message me! My rate is 30$/hr with a free first session.


I had LG-RC-RC-RL but no koalas!

That’s a good point, its important not to get cocky! But getting the scores you want can also mean you walk into the test with confidence, which I believe helps your performance. Its bit of a balance

Haha we are actually white

Yeah no problem!

I started in early August and used Khan Academy, didn’t love it so I switched to the 7sage monthly subscription which I like a lot more. It’s helpful to see which LR and LG questions you need to work on and then just drill those.

For LR, one thing I found really helpful was getting a friend to study with me - we would each read the stim (set to the hardest level) and then talk about exactly what makes the argument weak before even looking at the questions. Then just do that in your head during the actual test.

For LG, I didn’t have to do much work because I actually got a perfect score on that section of my diagnostic. But one really helpful thing I realized over time is that for many if not most of the problems, the answer is often hidden in the diagraming you did to solve the previous questions, so make sure your diagrams (particularly of sequences that work) are clear and easy to look back to.

Finally for RC (I got my first perfect RC section today!), I’m sure you’ve heard this before but read the section thoroughly once, try to enjoy the content/find ways to relate it to your life, and then answer the questions immeadiately without switching back to the passage unless you have to.

Hope this helps!