The weird, humanoid design will always hold a place in my heart, but 4 and 76 100% improved upon it.


I only learned about the Lightning Perfume Bottle like 2 days ago... I always miss the really fun glitches, lol.


I knew it! I stopped using her because it seemed counter-productive, but this is validation! And I can use my favorite summon again!


They suck. Plain and simple. They're not fun at all, they're not an enjoyable fight, they're just aggravating.


If the camera wasn't always freaking out and essentially acting as a second boss on its own, I might say the Divine Beast, Dancing Lion. I love the concept of the fight, the arena, and the sheer versatility of the boss' moveset. It feels wholly theatrical, like a performance, like you're part of the dance. But with so many moving parts to it the camera is almost always fighting against you, and so it's not as enjoyable as it could be.

So Bayle 100% takes my favorite spot, up to or until they fix the camera for Lion. It's so amazing! Everything you said was spot on, the build up to him, the surrounding area, climbing the mountain to fight him on the summit. It's all so cool! I will never forget the first time I got him to phase 2. Watching him grow those giant wings, leap into the sky and summon a freaking meteor storm?! That's engraved on my brain.

I do this sometimes when I really enjoy an author, and see that they have written for fandoms I'm unfamiliar with. It varies a LOT depending on the author's style, the type of story it is, and even the world in general. If the author is the type of person who basically copy-pastes that world until they actually get to their own changes, you get an abridged breakdown of the early plotline that helps set the stage. An OC/SI/Isekai story, by virtue of their tropes themselves, almost requires an overly generous amount of exposition and world explanation, so those are usually the smoothest to get into.


I originally found Sennesaxx at blessing lvl. 4, like the day after the DLC launched, and for some insane reason decided I needed to kill him, RIGHT THEN. Was doing a Frost/ Sorcery build, and was getting nowhere with it. This was at RL 245, btw, but at Blessing Level 4, he was just TOO tanky, he's immune to Frostbite, and the increased lightning damage + AOE were 1-shotting Torrent and 2-shotting me, so one mistake usually meant that attempt was over. Must have died 30, 40+ times just ramming my head into that wall, over and over, for no reason other than pure stubbornness. Eventually I got into a real dark place, and hit a new low for myself... I went to Rennalla and re-specced into a Pest Threads build. Only took 2 tries after that, even at such a low Blessing Level pest threads just ground that health bar down to nothing. I was incredibly annoyed to realize that the reward was just one of each Ancient Smithing Stone...


From what I can tell, the UCS version of Jabba's Sail Barge that's set to release in a few months doesn't come with the sand skiff or the Sarlaac, like the older one did, so if you want to set-up the entire scene you'll likely need this one as well.

Which sucks, because $80 for a not even 600 piece set is flat out robbery.

Found Family/ Family of Choice, however you want to word it. Give me a story about a group of lost, adrift misfits finding comfort and family and love amongst each other and I'm just a goner.

'They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. '

Benjamin Franklin

I feel like this can work, but only for mini- bosses. Y'know, those kinda unique, tougher than average guys you find halfway through a dungeon, or tucked away in a side area of the first zone? Above normal enemies but not really deserving the title of full Boss. They represent what constitutes as "increased danger" for that area, and would be viewed as something very tough for the average Joe of the world to face. So when you get to the later areas, and see them as just more grunts in the BBEG's army, it gives a sense of, "Of my gosh, the villain is so strong, he's using those guys as mere henchmen?!"

I love how in a lot of video games, specifically survival games, killing a "prey animal" will just have them disappear into a puff of smoke that clears to reveal like 1 or 2 of these mystery meat-on-bone lumps and maybe a perfectly cut roll of leather, lol.

She's taking the attractiveness Starlight keeps throwing away out of the garbage.

Either Rainbow Quartz 1.0, or Pearl's Mystery Girl.

Anything but Grave of the Fireflies. Ponyo is pretty fun. Porco Rosso is good.

People seem to either ignore or never knew in the first place, but there were a few polls about replacing Biden with another candidate a while ago. They asked people about their preferences for other big names in the Democrats' camp, Harris and Newsom and Buttigieg, etc. and they all polled way lower than Biden. Like, 100% guaranteeing the race to Trump levels of lower. Now, those were before the trials and before the debate and all that, so if asked now the numbers may be a lot different. But at the end of the day, they asked who we would be more likely to vote for, and we answered the question. We keep ending up like this because we keep saying this is what we want.

Or, and bear with me here because this is gonna get confusing, if you don't attach any spray nozzle at all, that's pretty much how the water will come out anyway. Or, if you're willing to spend more than $0.79, pretty much every other type of spray nozzle has a soaker setting.

To be fair to everyone involved, a lot of the movie had to be scrapped and/or rewritten for Bruce Willis, since it's been implied and unofficially stated that he started presenting some of his dementia symptoms during filming, which made it difficult for him to do certain scenes. Shyamalan worked with what he had. I've heard you can find some of the original script floating around, and it was much better.

My major complaints about the episode are based on a sense of disappointment, since I've wanted a followup to "Parasites Lost" for years now, and the episode didn't meet any of my hopes or expectations. It is, objectively, not a bad episode. I'd put it on the lower end of the season, but wouldn't change the channel if it came on unexpectedly. The real issue, I think, is that they wanted to do too many stories all at once. They wanted to do a sequel/followup to "Parasites Lost", they wanted to do a Nibbler episode, they wanted to do a Dune parody. Any of the three, by themselves, would probably have worked better than the resulting sum of their parts that we got. Even cutting out 1 plotline and leaving the other 2 works pretty well; Parasites+Nibbler, maybe they're trying to get revenge on Fry by messing up Nibbler's body. Nibbler+Dune, there's still a bunch of stuff they can introduce about Nibblonians, maybe they need to regularly travel to an Arakis-type planet for something. Parasites+Dune, maybe that's the planet the worms originate from, and the crew all get infected and need the spice to drive them away. They boxed themselves in by forcing all 3 ideas at once, IMO.


It's a shame Bayle doesn't have a remembrance, he belongs on this list too!

Elections are won by money. Money for advertising, money for campaign staff, money to hold rallies, money money money. Old people tend to have the most of the money, and they like to give that money to other old people. I've seen it paraphrased alot, but the truth is that nowadays our politicians are chosen by hedge fund managers, not by citizens.

I mean, it's implied he gets karmic consequences eventually. The COVID special's "real ending" is supposedly canon, as far as nothing has been implied to contradict it, and Cartman ends up a homeless drunkard who even Butters isn't afraid of calling out anymore.