The repeater shotgun with slugs. It may not seem like much, but if you're accurate, a slug is a good night sleep tight ammo, and with repeater engineering, it does a beautiful job.

I've got separate canteens, and yards for each level. Separate classrooms, separate chapels, psychiatrist office, clinics, the works. It's helped a ton.

OK. I was having this problem a lot too, especially gang fights. First thing I did is take a look at their needs. After they go to sleep their hygiene need starts going up fast, so you gotta keep an eye out for the time the red bar is close to critical level. Around midnight for me. So I give them a Shower/Lockup at this time. After that I give Med and Max sec prisoners one lockup block in the morning right before another shower/lockup. This gives me time for the guards to control the troublesome prisoners before they mix up.

Gang leaders are usually Legendary. I don't care if they've done anything yet, I place them directly in supermax section and they have no option to transfer down. They're always at the center of fights and riots, so I just keep them away from general population.

After that, look at canteen logistics. See if your kitchens are actually able to feed all prisoners. A well fed prisoner is a well behaved prisoner. I've got two two block feeding times, and since my canteens are basically in the middle of yards, I give them Yard time right before feeding, so prisoners who chose to be in the Yard get first servings and the kitchen has enough time in the two blocks to feed everyone. If you still can't feed everyone, maybe you need more stoves, and cooks.

I have every sec level compartmentalized so that you will never see Max sec prisoners in med sec areas. Both med and Max sec yards have guard towers, so prisoners are fairly well suppressed, even if you got "gang members angry leader is being punished" these towers help keep them from rioting.

This has helped me reduce daily riots to about one significant incident a week.

Hope this helps.

In my experience, the encounters in cities and at night start happening after talking to Isran.

I usually avoid Dawnguard like the plague. Dragons one can handle, but I've had more friendly NPCs die from random vampire attacks in cities and towns than from dragons. But I get you.

I swear, my horses have better self preservation instincts. NPC farmers run up to dragons with a rusty iron dagger and get in the way of my shouts. So either the dragon kills them, or I kill them from friendly fire, or I end up gifting the whole city guard and have to reload. NPC who are non combatant should have better AI than that.

And you can get one of the best warhammers in the game there too. This is not a low level cave, FYI.

With Hearthstone I had all my smithing gear in a chest in my smithing area. I would change into the whole smithing enchanted items, and one had to be the apron.

Now with AE survival mode, the roleplaying gets deeper. No matter what armor specialty I have, I always have Hilda on call with a full set of fur armor and some hot stews.

Other than that, I'm roleplaying my battle mage (spell knight armor) as wearing the new conjurer robes and hood while traveling and only putting on the full armor set when entering dungeons.

First, it was a mistake I used to make with ETC. I took Encore, so I would knock peeps out once, hit mosh, and then hit them out again. It was a simple change to my mechanics to fix that problem.

First noob comment I saw. "Stop hitting Varian when he parries, he reflects damage" 🙄🙄🙄 That's genji, you noob.

Second comment, someone made fun of me for kiting around the gnoll camps in Alderac Pass... I mean dude, you kite around them so you have only one actively hitting you while the others have to go around the first one to get to you.

Skyrim AE? I'd say Conjure Tomb Guardian. It gives a decent tank that can produce more conjurations, and as far as I've seen, they could be limitless depending on how fast he kills lackey's, and it synchronizes really nicely with Soul Split, since you can cast it on Guardian's shades, so in less than 5 seconds you could easily be overwhelming the enemy with 4 to five summons without even realizing it.

Give it some time. It's gonna come out with Dragon's Dogma 2: Darker Rearisen.

Depends on the Kind of amp, an attenuator might help. It allows one to appreciate the gain at lower volumes, so she could hook one up and get the same tone but softer.

I get where you're coming from, but that half weight perk reflects training. The only reason the weight is "cut by half" is that you've become so good at fighting in heavy armor that it doesn't feel as much of an encumbrance as it used to. I still do light armor depending on my build, the perks on that tree are great for barbarian, stealth and dual wield, especially the stamina Regen.

Exactly, you should play genji as a roamer. Someone who can go from one lane to the other trying to help gank some enemies, or at least do enough damage to force a hearth.

You can do some wave clear if you just E through the line of minions. E the W to reflect some damage and you weaken the line for your minion wave.

Your team was all damage, no CC, no Sustainable Tanking. You need a tank and a bruiser/off-tank.

Get a Bit Crusher. I've got a Scrutator that gets disgusting under the right condition.

Dale entonces, métele está carrera, vas a conseguir trabajo y vas a seguir adelante y vas a poder ahorrar más. Ahorita, si en serio puedes disponer de esa plata, podrías hacer touring barato por Bolivia, entrar en mente mochilero. Suena más que necesitas en semi sabático. Seguí hasta fin de semestre, ahorra un poco más, y ve si puedes darte un viajecito de un par de semanas.

Suerte, vas a salir de esta racha.

Papi, eso de los bajoneos puede ser grave. Tienes que preguntarte si en serio te gusta tu carrera, porque si esos bajoneos se vuelven depresión, ya puede afectarte seriamente en la vida, y no todos tenemos el privilegio de poder ir a un sicólogo.

Contaduría es excelente inicio, siempre se necesitan contadores, lo que recomiendo es que veas si tus materias compatibilizan con licenciaturas. Ahorita en el área que trabajo es Monitoreo y Evaluación, y hago de planillero. Todo proyecto necesita eso, y las bases de contaduría son muy importantes en esa área. M&E, y Auditores son posiciones que se están volviendo seguras en el mercado tanto nacional, cómo internacional.

Pero cómo dije, tienes que cuestionar si en serio te gusta es.

Ánimos, todos pasamos por bajoneos. Analizate bien y ve qué te lo causa. Pero sigues joven, tienes toda una vida adelante.

I used to have a Mooer Skyverb, and honestly, it was a great bang for the buck. Three simple delays that do exactly what you need from them.

I love the Slö, but honestly I think the Fathoms would be more appropriate if he's looking for more traditional sounds.

Quick question, does the Slö have a "hidden" setting like the Fathoms and the Arp-87?

Las universidades estatales son gratis. Busca una carrera que te interese y vé si tu familia está dispuesta a darte pensión y techo durante ese periodo. Puedes seguir trabajando en ciertas cosas mientras estudias para seguir teniendo ingresos.

Tener carrera es algo de lo que jamás te arrepentirás.

Un ejemplo reciente de Cochabamba. Ciudades como Cocha y La Paz tienen días de restricción vehicular en ciertas partes de la ciudad. Esto se refiere a que ciertas placas no pueden entrar en ciertos días. Esto es para reducir la saturación de tráfico vehicular y que no se ocasionen trancaderas.

En Cocha, el alcalde puso cámaras en las calles clave para entrar a estás zonas e iba cobrar foto-multa. Si la cámara identifica un auto que no debería entrar, automáticamente se aumenta la multa al impuesto anual.

Los taxistas de Cochabamba comenzaron bloqueos porque decían que era atentado contra su economía.

En pocas palabras, no quieren que les cobren multas por romper la ley. Esto se extiende a varios problemas en todas la ciudades.

Una vez el gobierno estaba sacando una ley que iba hacer que le quiten la licencia a transportistas que agarraban manejando en estado de ebriedad tres veces seguidas. Adivina que sucedió? Se pusieron a bloquear todos los diferentes tipos de transportistas.

Awesome, since I got your attention, you mind if I ask another question?

I managed to get the XML, and they do have redundant fields from MSP, the other detail I'm getting is that the dates on the XML don't translate directly inPL, they all get changed. These dates are in the ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) and have no time zone adjustment.

The thing that throws the whole code off is that the duration format ignores YnMnWnDn, it goes directly to time (PT336H0M0S), which as far as I understand wouldn't be standard export from MSP, whenever exceeding 24 hours.

Could this be enough to throw off the dates? And could this be the proof that they're using another data management program?

Thanks in advance, and for making such a great tool.

Ir a la guerra con los transportistas. Tienen demasiado poder y siempre hacen lo que les de la gana.

I'm transitioning from Bass to Guitar, and I'm having my journey. Got no problems with bass strings, what I did do was setup my guitar with thicker gauge strings in flatwounds to keep the same feel as with my bass. The chords are starting to sound better and feel easier the more I practice.