MARC is a fair bit cheaper and more flexible. Amtrak will be a faster, but not a huge amount. You need advance tix for Amtrak.

Make friends with neighbors, especially the older ones. Several of my retired neighbors are part of a neighborhood plant exchange with a bunch of other senior ladies. They give away free plants, mulch, soil, etc. all the time. Just be prepared for an excess of friendly garden-related chit chat!

Minnesota, Washington and Connecticut.

Also important to note that they did this because a fundamentally decent person occupies the White House now. Even though he could, with immunity, ship Trump off to Guantanamo or revoke his citizenship for insurrection, he won’t.

Was just about to post this. Last thing we need is 40k yahoos ringing those things. I take ear plugs whenever I go to a game in Starkville!

I think they have Thomas, Alito and Coney. I don’t see Kavanaugh or Roberts being ok with this. Gorsuch is a question mark, but that only makes 4. I hope I’m not being overly optimistic.

Also watch yourself at check in. We got pulled out of line to go to some “special” check in desk. After about 5 minutes it became clear that they were gonna push the timeshare sales pitch on us. I told the lady that we’d just spent 8 hours traveling and there was no way in gods green earth that I’d ever sit through their time share spiel or buy one, and they they better check me in to my room and give me my damn key.

They checked us in and let us go at that point. Rest of the trip was lovely (Pueblo Bonito - Sunset Beach). Would definitely recommend other than the check in BS.

:tomatohead: Tomatohead

Jesus and Mohammad skins. Never happen.

DF is still actively using it, so abandonment doesn’t work. You might be able to get the court to relocate it somewhere less onerous of the location is not defined in the land records.

Exactly. I’m much more likely to spend time talking to the man in the boat if I don’t have to talk through a mouthful of hair.

It was definitely in plastic bottles. Not sure the proof.

My uncle used to drink two handles or garbage vodka per day. At his third stint in the hospital they told him he’d keel over immediately if he touched the stuff again. Stayed sober for 20+ years after that until cancer (from all the chewing tobacco, probably) caught him.

It was a bit tongue in cheek to emphasize the age difference. 33 is still a decade younger than me. No offense intended!

You’re not really an asshole, but YTA for being a moron. You used protection but she’s magically pregnant? I know shit happens but this has BS “somehow, Palpatine returned” vibes. Don’t assume you’re the only one getting in the granny panties. Get a paternity test and stop getting molested by old ladies.

And before anyone accuses me of being ageist, I’m 42. I’d feel like a perv dating a 28 year old, which isn’t nearly as bad as grabbing some dude straight out of high school like this chick.

Hey baby, ever had your asshole licked by a fat man in an overcoat?

I think if you book through the portal you’re automatically in main cabin. Never actually tried to book basic economy.


Doesn’t that card get you automatic upgrade to main cabin with free checked bag? I’ve bought flights this year to CDG and OPO from the US this year (ticketed DL but AF operated) using that card and gotten free checked bags.


Louvre, Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Catacombs, St Chappelle are all tough to get into without advance tix. Especially in the summer.

Put mine out yesterday! There have been some out across from Hillcrest for at least a week.