He is basically the best blind top in the entire game if the purpose is winning lane. Pretty sure ryze is his only true counter but its playable until very high elo and pretty much nobody plays ryze, cassio is a bit similar to ryze but shes easier to cheese first 10 minutes.

Qiqi is always in my wettest dreams.

In soloq people trust their own ability to carry and not others. So they want to hold their pick to pick what they consider gives them best chances of winning. In higher elos u will not have this problem

If the kennen plays perfect it can be difficult. U gotta rush mercs and get goin

Leashing is barely even a thing anymore. Junglers only need it if they want to do some crazy tempoplay, their champ got dogsht clear or the jungler is very very bad.(I think ur friend is option 3 + delusional)

Its easiest to teamfight if u have liandries. Ur awaken R creeatrs ALOT of space and can make it very easy for ur carries to play the game. Id say go in and out as much as u can around ur cooldowns and u should be fine

go phase rush and space him, lol

Udyr beats both Illaoi and Camille if u know the matchups :)

In lowelo that is true but ranged tops with good spacing is no easy task.

Udyr beats both morde and fiora. For ur elo id say Darius, it's a matchup where u have to play better than ur opponent to win. If u want to improve ban nothing.

Go ap tank mostly, if ur master + ban vayne if u are lower than that just ban a matchup u find difficult, darius maybe.

Fiora when things are going right is more fun but she has way more difficult matchups which leads to unfun gameplay.

If u are playing ap you will put one point into Q in total at lvl 6 8 or 10. If u are playing ad u probably put 3 points into R early because R early is very strong for both trading and waveclear. So its always Dorans ring start no matter build u are going, i do however never play ad

Go liandries first and try to get riftmaker as ur 3/4th item, thats for strongest carry potential as aptank

Really get the Q spacing down walking back and forth based on ur opponents movement. Also u should try playing phase rush with ghost+ignite and feel it out, some onetricks prefer it sometimes and all the extra movespeed helps u with rumbles biggest weakness which is his lack of mobility

probably: Lia frozen sv rift jaksho + boots. Could be morello for anitheal instead of jaksho

My regular build is Lia --> frozen/Mr item(sv or rookern) --> mr item/ frozen --> rift maker --> w/e tank items that fits. Thats the hard build to play with lia+rift maker, if ur struggling and dying too easily just go replace rift with jaksho. https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/euw/thunderbolt+user-zeus#championsData-all-queues heres my profile if u wanna check examples