Fun build that's been helping a buddy and I complete difficulty 8 (bugs) as a two-man. Focuses on red strategem use. Rewards experienced players. Influenced by Earth Defence Force's Air Raider class.


As a player, you..

-- are experienced versus bugs (I've not tested versus bots yet).

-- can read the game state reliably (know when to commit, when to back off, aware of flankers etc)

-- are practiced at out-manauvering enemies (all armour)

-- after your many hours of play, can reliably call down most/all red strategems under pressure


Primary: Pummeler (control, anti-stalker, solid damage, improved manauverability)

Support: None

Secondary: Grenade pistol (utility, hole close)

Strategems: Orbital Airburst, Orbital Gas Strike, Eagle Cluster Bomb, Eagle 500 kg (this gives us 5 big AOE strikes, 1 anti-medium anti-light AOE strike, 1 sustained anit-medium, anti-light strike and 2 anti-heavy attacks*)

Armor: PH-9 Predator

Grenades: Impact Incendiary

Booster: Experimental Infusion


With the incease in 'light' enemies, the Eagle Cluster Bomb provides greater value than ever. Likewise, the buffs to Orbital Airburst helps lock down areas, take out medium targets and finish off damaged (missing armor) heavy bugs. Gas Strike, positioned on a bug breach, will kill most if not all light bugs and surviving medium and even heavy bugs are weakened. 500 kg is your anti-heavy**

The pummeler remains a solid weapon, with good damage and a stun mechanic that will lock down enemies, allowing you more space to run. Critically, it can be fired in any direction while running and with Peak Physique from your armour is surprisngly accurate even when sprinting.

Use Impact Incendiary grenades to prevent stalkers flanking and to add another layer of damage to your Gas Strike and Airburst.

Other notes: Never have to worry about losing your support weapon and strategem equipment again! Highly mobile build that rewards the many, many hours you've practiced playing - you know where to, and when to use your strategems and realise that movement is king.


*Though you'll often need both to deal with a single BT, but that's just the game. You brought a team mate, right? No? Then keep moving.

**If you need more options, drop the Airburst for Orbital Precision Strike, though with the current heavy spawns, even a full team will run out of ant-heavy options meaning that often the best option is to hit and run, focusing on the objective.