Pay a SE to pose as your brother then after he can let you know how fucked that is šŸ˜‚

Edit that looks like a wall between the kitchen and the back door that runs through the house (possibly a gap at some point to walk between the two) which means the would be a lintel or smal rsj this would make it most definitely a load bearing wall, did you look to see if the outside the door lookpulled away from or sunken to the concrete

The spark wonā€™t charge that much theyā€™ve only got to move about a meterā€¦

Iā€™d argue rights done wrong can make us slaves rights done right can free us from it but yeah

Something I found reading into this case

Nelsonā€™s defense attempted to stop the release of all 78 of the photos, arguing it would violate Nelsonā€™s right to privacy and that the photos

ā€œā€ā€pose no value to the publicā€™s interest.ā€ā€ā€

Judge Phelps said the court was not persuaded by these arguments.

:8: Gascoigne #1006

This is the winner op Trent and saka weakness in defence are gone because of the 3 at the back weā€™re short at lb this gives us a extra player in that position weā€™ve got to great bbm play then as such and a 3 up top means PF can play as a ten or OW can play as More a striker

:8: Gascoigne #1006

Ok stop trolling little boy you never got me bye bye

Iā€™m saying that prison gangs in USA are highly racist against one another so if what I fought was a white man, but is in fact a Latino come out and says a a black man was murdered in front of him itā€™s probably factual

The egale aka the Aquila, the Quote of ā€œlion for a day over a sheep for 100 yearsā€ are both Italian fascistic symbols the quote is Mussolini himself

:8: Gascoigne #1006

Palmer for president you mr opinion is invalid as your a yank

:8: Gascoigne #1006

Everyone else has better pass completion because they are all playing safe scared football that was the point of the video that sailed past your head

Anyone know what his tats mean because if itā€™s Arian race etc talking about a black man dying itā€™s 100% facts

:United_Kingdom: Balcony Lover

Actually saw Bologna fc advertising cathedral city cheddar in a Serie a game this year

šŸ„ continuing to undergo his rehabilitation programme šŸ„


Just a coincidence I see

šŸ„ continuing to undergo his rehabilitation programme šŸ„


Who owns them again?