They did this a fair bit during Covid at my hospital when we stopped taking elective surgeries, but those were much less stable times.

Last summer was gnat summer for me. This summer seems to be carpenter ants, though our landlord doesn’t seem too worried about it 😐

Look for churches near the colleges, especially the smaller ones. Otterbein, Capital, etc.

I would look into Comfort Dental. They have some kind of membership program that serves as an alternative to dental insurance, and a lot of new patient deals. My dad is a retiree without dental insurance and they worked with him for payments at the Delaware branch.

The irony of looking for a close parking spot at the gym… god forbid I get exercise while going to get exercise!

Like onions. Or cakes, or parfaits (which might be the best thing on the whole damn planet).

Oh I enjoyed Aegon immensely in this episode. He was delightfully fun to watch him stumble through kingship with manic energy and a slightly unhinged grin. He was even mildly kind to Helaena and seemed to genuinely like his son. None of this makes me forget who he is, only that all these characters have layers.

Cool baths in the summer, cuddling with my dog, library books that I finish before the due date, the kids at work, having a passport, watching my nieces play in the sprinkler, those exactly 4 minutes of dancing I can manage, that there is always new music, dreams that I wake up remembering, the smell of fresh cut grass or dried lavender… so many things, really.

Also, forti flora is a probiotic. It’s basically just a veterinary strength supplement to try to balance their gut biome. It can be added to any amount of food. Just keep feeding them what they’ll eat with the powder mixed into a little milk replacer/wet kitten food

Kittens don’t start to get baby teeth until they’re usually 4 weeks old. At 5 weeks, they still have relatively few teeth and their teeth are not so suited to hard foods yet. They usually eat more wet than dry food at this age. Technically they would not normally be weaned yet. I would definitely up their wet food and start mixing in KMR. They should be getting roughly 3 tablespoons of formula 3-5 times daily, and you can start mixing in about a teaspoon of canned food (kitten food, the calorie count is higher) per kitten per meal. Then slowly shift from mostly milk replacer to mostly wet food over the course of 2-3 weeks. Babies this age need calorie dense food to provide energy for growing. Dry food should be softened until their adult teeth really start to come in around 12-14 weeks or they are voluntarily eating dry food without struggling. You can mix it with water and let it soak to soften it.

5 weeks is still very little and they should still be treated like infants at this point. It’s difficult to over feed them at this age, just like it’s unlikely that you’d overfeed a 6-12 month old baby in terms of daily calorie intake. Just offer it in small, mostly liquid meals that become steadily more solid until they’re eating dry food on their own.

Sounds like your cat would make a good landlord himself. If yours is anything like mine, the cat would probably be more helpful and personable.

I’d say it doesn’t look infected based on the photos alone, though it's difficult to determine without being able to examine it fully. Redness and swelling could be from irritation alone, and it looks like it’s placed over the bone so that might explain the tenderness. I don’t know if they recommend icing new tattoos, but if thats an option i might try that. I would keep a very close eye on it. Monitor for changes - if it swells more, you notice any drainage, or especially if you develop a fever, go to urgent care asap.

Glad you went to ER but I am fascinated by these foot-specific antibiotics. What on earth did they give you? I’m so curious.

Oh yes that’s just happy social chatter they make when they’re getting attention. My girls do it all the time. If she wasn’t happy she wouldn’t be out letting you touch her.

I second the craft organizer. Check craft stores. They have all kinds of different storage systems for thread or beads or whatever, but functionally they’re just bigger pill boxes

Honestly I don’t know it’s not something else until it’s over. My flares feel like the flu, minus the respiratory symptoms. Widespread deep pain, nausea, exhaustion… but there’s no coughing or congestion or anything. It also eases more abruptly than anything else… it really does just suddenly stop once the trigger passes.

Amazing what people will say when their neurons are rotting

It’s hardly a black and white situation. They’re people. There’s a lot of variety

But generally I like extroverted people. I need someone to pull me out of my shell a bit and nobody does that like a social butterfly.