Pear is my favorite cut. Your ring is beautiful. Ii like a skinny pear ratio. Love it

Tirzep did not work for me either and I wasted six months thinking it would eventually work. It just did not work. And then I switched to Reta. now, I did not go above 6 mg q6 days, but I kept that up for four months. RS still did not lose so I took a break for only three weeks to allow the receptors to reset. I have no idea if that duration was long enough but I couldn't really find studies to guide me on that. So, then I resumed semaglutide which was used to lose the initial 28 pounds. but this time I did the combination of semaglutide and Cagrilintide. I have 10 vials of cagriSema 5/5. Current dose is 1mg q7 days, and now have appetite suppression. No neg issues on any of the peptides. Next order will be cargrilitide by itself so I can manipulate the dose of Cagrilintide if I need to. I have read several studies on the combination of those two and together they are much more effective than either one of them separately. Ideally the research subject needs to lose another 30 pounds

Wearing prettier clothes was my only reason for wanting to lose weight. I was healthy as a size 16. I wanted to wear prettier clothes. I never wear jeans. I wear skirts, suits, maxi skirts, good slacks. As a size 10, I have better choices.

Nice to see a beautiful woman with a decent hairstyle

Well you've talked about several options here. So when you say you have the option of buying it already mixed together are you talking about already in solution or are you talking about getting it as a powder? Mine came as a powder and they were an equal amounts. I got 10 vials of 5 mg each per vial. I am on my initial vial still. and now I am at 1 mg. It was a new provider and I wasn't sure about the potency but after my second week at 1 mg I now feel the Food noise is decreased so I will stay at 1 mg. Previously my research subject best response was from semagluetide and not from Tirzepatide at all..OR. Reta. I think this combo is going to be a success. However my next purchase will be just Cagrilintide by itself Because I have plenty of inventory of the Semaglutide. I can't give you advice on mixing because I prefer a larger amount of volume per injection. My RS has plenty of subcutaneous fat along the lateral thighs so I prefer to inject 1 cc each time I inject whether it is MIC, AOD, Or B12/VitB. I give them all deep subq. Good luck. I think you made a good switch to this combo.

I don't like this women, but let's be real..none of what you say is real.

Tried two. Poor response from their product. It's a game. Some know the rules. Some don't. I really want the Cagrilintide to work.

No one is an a hole in this situation. The pain of losing a child is indescribable. The mother-in-law feels that pain and needs to learn to deal with it and needs therapy badly. It's not your fault it's an urgent situation that she needs help with. She needs love and support in therapy but don't treat her like it a hole either. In time was she will understand her request is inappropriate. Your hubby needs to be active in guiding her into therapy and explaining that the two of you will choose your babies name. Good luck.

Managing a lipid profile for heart healthy cardiovascular status it's a lot more then acknowledging a total cholesterol level.

Actually 1 cc is equal to 1 mL and there are 20 drops per mL/cc

Is there some reason you don't want to move up your tirzep?

A therapeutic dose is considered one that is working for the patient, no matter what drug it is. So if .5 or 1mg is working it is a therapeutic dose for that person.

In 2019 the American medical association classified obesity as a disease. It is not a simple matter of lifestyle choices although there are many who still have not made or understand the conclusions of biology and physiology involved in this disease. We all know people who eat whatever they want and don't gain any weight and there are others who can't eat as much because they have that metabolic imbalance between the glucagon produced in the liver and the insulin produced in the pancreas. It is not our place to judge the obesity disease of someone else. Personally I would not mess with my metabolic system for 15 pounds but it is their option. I look forward to the time when this medication is freely available to everyone and not just because some med spa or clinic orders the peptide from China, reconstitutes it, and charges 5 to 8 times as much for their patients. So many people are making a lot of money off of these peptides.

With those kinds of results I would not change a thing. I think going from one peptide to another kind of slows your response. I think you need a good reason to move to a different peptide. I made that mistake and now I am sort of starting over after a month-long reset. The things I've read about Cagrilintide and Sema is that together they were far better than each of them separately. My subject is three weeks into the combo and took .6 mg this week with no real change yet but I am going to order the cagri all by itself because I have plenty of Sema in my inventory and I will just give them both as two separate injections. I have never had any negative G.I. symptoms from any of the peptides so that doesn't alter my decisions.

I don't know because I never followed through with that one

That would be $320 for a month of tirzep. I think that's very expensive

Well you've had great success. What dose have you been on for most of the time? It's my feeling that there's no need to start at an introductory dose.

There is plenty of information out there I have pages and pages that I did screenshot and is in my iPad. Far more studies have been done on the peptides then on the Covid vaccine that we were mandated to take.

The paper that I read and I know I have a screenshot of it because I do that for future reading and review. It said equal amounts of both the semaglutide and the cargril had the best weight loss by far.

And the paper that I've read mentioned they should be given at the same time. I don't remember where it came from I have probably a couple hundred screenshots from all the research I've done. It would have been an Internet source rather than a medical journal.

This may not be helpful but the reading that I've done on CagriSema and on Cagrilintide mentioned that the combo of equal amounts of each had the greatest weight loss by far. From that I understood that they should not be given on different days but should be together. I started a year ago with semaglutide and lost 28 pounds, reaching a weekly dose of 2.5mg. I am a slow loser and eventually I stopped losing. I switched to Tirzep which was a big waste of time for me and I was in a stall for four months. a long story short I have not lost any more weight since I came off of the semagluetide period, not even with Retatrutide for six months. I stopped everything to reset and now I'm back on Cagrisema that I ordered from far far away. . I've only had two doses and started at .3 mg. It is a vial of 5/5. Not sure how to increase yet but I will after three weeks. The next time I order it's going to be the Cagrilintide by itself and I will just give that plus the semagluetide together in equal doses on the same day. I have not had any negative side effects from any of the peptides that I've been on. The semaglutide gave me the most appetite suppression. I will also add that even though the scales did not reflect any further loss of pounds, my clothing became looser and when I did the Me360 App it showed continued loss in size. I found that app to be very accurate for me although it's tricky to initiate it

I dilute mine with 3 cc as well. Tesamorelin has a tendency to sting even deep in the subcutaneous tissue. Some people give an intramuscular but I use it sub Q because I have enough sub Q to absorb it. I do it once a day five days a week. 1 mg initially, then 2 mg.

The boss does not understand human physiology so just stay away from that conversation with her. she doesn't understand obesity as a disease. She is way outdated in her information. Just be glad you're above that.