He backed off really quickly. The lawyer I saw suggested offering him some money to get him off the deed. However, he is saying he doesn't want money, just to be off the mortgage so he can buy his own place. I'm in the process of finalizing my own mortgage and hopefully it'll be over with soon. Thanks for asking!

Centralia before they destroyed the graffiti highway.

We were on good enough terms that he would come in the house when picking up our daughter. I was not home when he went down to the basement. He is no longer allowed in the house.

He hasn't paid a dime toward either the mortgage or the upkeep in over 4 years.

He wasn't a sex offender when we got together. We were together a total of 15 years. A lot happened in that 15 years. It took me years to get out.

No, he was not. That was half of the reason I kicked him out.


He texted me this morning.

"I know how it must have sounded yesterday I apologize I was still pretty upset when I went to the basement to see all of the wiring in the house just hanging I don't understand why all that was necessary for one faulty light switch I spoke to you out of anger and shouldn't have Anyway Connie and I really want to help you get the house straightened out not try to take it or anything like that just want to stay long enough to clean everything up fix it up we have plans to get another dumpster down there and I already have a hand full of folks willing to come help get rid of all the junk. Thought maybe you could use some help with the bills also. Nothing permanent. I have 4 and a half years left on my registry then Connie and I are leaving PA. "

To answer a few questions, the basement has an outside entrance and a door that opens into my living room. There is no bathroom or kitchen in the basement. The boys live in the attic and another bedroom on the second floor. We're signing a rental agreement today.

The ex is a registered sex offender and no one will rent to him. When we split, I couldn't get a mortgage on my own. He was agreeable to keeping it as it was and I stupidly trusted him. Currently, he's living with his girlfriend in a trailer with her ex. I'm assuming something happened there and her ex is kicking them out.

I'm not going to stop paying the mortgage. I don't want to lose the house. I'm definitely getting cameras installed as soon as I can. I'm disabled (Multiple Sclerosis) and on a fixed income. Renting is impossible where I live. Every place is twice as much as I'm now currently paying. I also have a dog that I will not just get rid of.

I'm going to look into a PFA, as I really don't feel safe around him.

The locks have been changed. He definitely does not have a key. Our daughter doesn't want him moving back, either. He's a drunk and emotionally abusive.

Thank you. I'm definitely going to write something up for the boys. They're good kids.

I just can't believe his girlfriend is agreeing to live in her ex's basement.

Thanks for the mail advice, I'm definitely going to keep an eye out for that.

Neither of us had any money to get him removed from the deed and I can't get a mortgage on my own. When we split, he agreed that I would stay at the house and pay all the bills.

Entitled ex thinks he can just move back inS

8 years ago, when we were still together, my ex and I bought a house together. His name is on the mortgage, both our names are on the deed. I've been paying the mortgage from day one. We split 4 years ago and were in agreement that I'd keep the house. He moved out. Yesterday he texts me this crap.

"Really wanted to do this in person but I'm letting you know gf and I will be moving into the basement. Don't waste time getting pissed off this is happening whether you are on board or not. These boys will have to find somewhere else to live."

I've already had one lawyer tell me they can't help me and I'm waiting for another to call me back. "These boys" are friends of my daughters who needed help and are paying me rent.

Help needed, what are my rights?

My(F44) ex(M47) and I bought a house together about 10 years ago. We split almost 4 years ago and he moved out. Both of our names are on the deed but only his name is on the mortgage. I've been paying the mortgage from day one out of my personal account that he is not linked to. When we split, we agreed that I would keep the house.

He suddenly texts me that he and his girlfriend will be moving into the basement and there's nothing I can do about it. I tell him no, he can't move in. He says he'll sell the house then. I replied that he'll need to pay me back the money I already put into the house and I want the equity from the house. (It's worth twice as much now as when I bought it)

What are my rights? Does he have any right to just move in? I can prove I paid the mortgage every month.


My(F44) ex(M47) and I bought a house together about 10 years ago. We split almost 4 years ago and he moved out. Both of our names are on the deed but only his name is on the mortgage. I've been paying the mortgage from day one out of my personal account that he is not linked to. When we split, we agreed that I would keep the house.

He suddenly texts me that he and his girlfriend will be moving into the basement and there's nothing I can do about it. I tell him no, he can't move in. He says he'll sell the house then. I replied that he'll need to pay me back the money I already put into the house and I want the equity from the house. (It's worth twice as much now as when I bought it)

What are my rights? Does he have any right to just move in? I can prove I paid the mortgage every month.

Help needed, what are my rights?
Moderator removed post

My(F44) ex(M47) and I bought a house together about 10 years ago. We split almost 4 years ago and he moved out. Both of our names are on the deed but only his name is on the mortgage. I've been paying the mortgage from day one out of my personal account that he is not linked to. When we split, we agreed that I would keep the house.

He suddenly texts me that he and his girlfriend will be moving into the basement and there's nothing I can do about it. I tell him no, he can't move in. He says he'll sell the house then. I replied that he'll need to pay me back the money I already put into the house and I want the equity from the house. (It's worth twice as much now as when I bought it)

What are my rights? Does he have any right to just move in? I can prove I paid the mortgage every month.

What are my rights? Help needed
Moderator removed post

My(F44) ex(M47) and I bought a house together about 10 years ago. We split almost 4 years ago and he moved out. Both of our names are on the deed but only his name is on the mortgage. I've been paying the mortgage from day one out of my personal account that he is not linked to. When we split, we agreed that I would keep the house.

He suddenly texts me that he and his girlfriend will be moving into the basement and there's nothing I can do about it. I tell him no, he can't move in. He says he'll sell the house then. I replied that he'll need to pay me back the money I already put into the house and I want the equity from the house. (It's worth twice as much now as when I bought it)

What are my rights? Does he have any right to just move in? I can prove I paid the mortgage every month.

Help needed legal advice
Moderator removed post

Background info: I have Multiple Sclerosis and suffer from depression and anxiety. My regular "med check psych Dr" had left the practice and this guy was filling in.

This guy was the most unprofessional "doctor" I've ever seen. I waited for over 20 minutes past my scheduled time. I asked the receptionist how much longer it would be since it was getting close to the time I needed to pick up my kids from school. She calls him, they converse, she leads me to his office and says he'll be right in. She leaves the door open. He walks up, takes one look at me in his office and says, "This won't do!" Proceeds to call the receptionist and reams her out over the phone, in front of me. I was horrified on her behalf. He then rifled through a stack of papers and asked me 3 separate times if I was (patient name) and then tells me I am bipolar based on the medication my previous Dr had prescribed. I have never been diagnosed as bipolar. Never even was brought up in any of my therapy sessions or with any previous provider. He also complained about other patients taking up too much of his time because he refused to refill their meds. He then went on to tell me I'm on too many meds and he will only refill one of my three meds. I told him I already had to fight with my insurance to get them to cover one of them. He ignored me. Sent me on my way, very frustrated and upset. I spoke to the receptionist and told her how sorry I was that he treated her like that. She informed me it's his last week there and she'll be fine. At my usual therapy appt the next day, my therapist pulled up his notes from my visit. He claimed to have spent 45 minutes with me and that I was showing drug seeking behavior. I was livid. I went on every site I could find to review this vile piece of shit human who has no right to be in mental Healthcare. Dr. Bouzigani, you are an asshole.

Don't go back. You were only together 7 months. Chalk it up as a learning experience. There are SO MANY people in this world. The good times and the bad times shouldn't be equal, the good should far outweigh the bad.

I didn't even really cheat this time.

Like,wtf dude? After 15 years and two kids and multiple times cheating on me... he was surprised when I finally had enough and kicked him out.