If you sent your best, they may get arrested and traded for some war criminal.

Hey I know I'm late. As a digital marketer, the reason I clicked on this ad was because it was the first ad on Reddit I've seen with lots of upvotes and comments.  

You're doing better than 95% of us advertisers on here and actually soliciting feedback.

Double points for getting feedback while under development.

The only thing I can really add is that now that the game is out on early access, why not put a "get the game today" call to action instead of wishlist?

But putting it into the hands of Doug Ford is better?

Slow, expect to wait 40-60 minutes 

So a few tricks then,

Cold-call open positions: what do I mean? Do the online app, call them and ask for when the hiring manager's in, then show up during a less busy time (afternoons usually) and ask for them. They'll tell u to go to the online process, surprise the narrative by saying that u did and that you just wanted to put a face to the name. For customer facing jobs this is going above and beyond the majority of others

OPL resources: the ottawa public library has a nice repository with all the major job boards here: https://biblioottawalibrary.ca/en/online-job-boards

Search by url for remote jobs: some companies either don't want to pay job boards, aren't picked up by job boards, or are hoping for employee referrals and only post positions on their website of HR systems.

Try a search like " site:myworkdayjobs.com remote project manager" once you've exhausted the public boards, cross reference and you'll very likely find jobs with less competition.

Overqualified? Just omit and lessen your qualifications.    

Not getting jobs? Common errors include bad resumes and/bad interviewing skill. Checkout an employment Ontario near you, they usually offer a helpful second opinion.

IRCC, the telemarketing companies usually take just about anyone.

Marketing perspective, create a nice friendly poster with vibrant colours reminding people to clean up their dog poop.

It's all you can do, don't follow ppl home unless you want to see how defensive people get against ppl they think are molesters following them home.

Sigh, shame some people are so against others enjoying the game as they'd like.

So people complain, but yet no one bothers voting against the man in charge: Ford?

Well if they didn't want Uber, maybe they shouldn't have created local monopolies that drove the cost of taxis and licences absurdly high for decades before.

Air BNB is 0.5 per ent of housing, a scapegoat that wouldn't change much.

Shrug, their voters are mostly homeowners that want higher valuations.

It's always been there by degrees, it's sad since the majority of them start out young-really young like broken home young. It ain't people with skills and savings who stay on the streets- it's kids and young adults that don't know better.

I feel for the issue on a societal level, at the very least get them some basics so they aren't stealing, I've met homeless teens and such brought them meals but didn't help when I could because it should be done by tax paid professionals-not some 20 year old me. Personally I hate and pity them since all the interactions are negative, but I do want them to not steal and if possible get a job and pay taxes.

Go to the bank, show that they aren't giving your money back and get a clawback. It'll end up charging them more and saving you time.

Lol, yeah cuz the freedom convoy didn't harass locals and are representative of Canadians as a whole.

I mean the homeless don't vote as much, whereas the majority of homeowners vote for policies that increase their valuations. It's either affordable housing or higher valuations, you can't have both.

It's a very simple answer, the law is for the greater good, not just your feelings of vengeance. Having life penalties encourages offenders to murder witnesses and cause more harm. Despite having way more life and death penalties per capita America and El Salvador have much higher rates of crime and murder than Canada.