Every time I've had to threaten violence to maintain my safety, I always threaten to taser their butthole. Works every time.

but holding people hostage just so I can talk to them isn't exactly a fun time

My parents unintentionally taught me how to make everyone miserable if I'm being forced to be part of something I really don't want to be a part of. This talent has carried me surprisingly far in today's world.

I did the two minutes of googling so you folks don't have to, it's $377,984.80 today.

Any time tether halts minting to maintain its peg, the price of bitcoin dips 5-20k.

Sounds like he was only interested in the child part of raising children (and even then, none of the labor associated). Once they start growing up the luster wears off and they're practically tossed aside for the children from the latest affair partner.

The “building” capacity issue is nonsense.

It was a very serious issue when the act was passed. They just honestly couldn't fit any more desks in.

But now it's silly. Does everyone really need a desk? Do they really, absolutely HAVE to use that chamber to vote?

Had the opposite happen. I found out my psych when I was a teenager was trusting me a fairly large amount with my prescriptions when I had to switch insurance. The new place won't even let me get a script until I'm supposed to be almost out.

I find it kind of distressing how many folks thinks money changing hands magically makes anything okay.

Molly White's comment in the article is the only thing that didn't make me roll my eyes.

That's long been my pet peeve about this trend in general. They put a woman and/or minority in a major role and act like this is a replacement for good writing and a shield from all criticism, especially about the character in question.

There's a reason I said "fuck it" and started learning assembly instead of shit like that. Much easier on the sanity.

It's the same way with a lot of animals that grow larger. If you don't want them doing it at full size, don't do it with them when they're small... Horses are another good example of this. They aren't gonna stop trying to curl on your lap just because they aren't a foal anymore.

Damn, hit squads are already overbooked too. But it's important work to be done.

And since they're technically an engineer, they probably make 3-4 times the amount per year than you do.

to his spiraling dementia

I lost my grandmother to dementia, and he's following the exact same trajectory as her. She was able to fake being a functional person for years, until suddenly her cognitive capacity plummeted off a cliff and a court agreed she had to go to a home. Trump is at the beginning of that dive.

I find humor when trump mocks biden's stutter, not because the jab is funny, but because in a few months he's gonna have a much, much worse stutter of his own.

As someone who had to move a box full of archeological artifacts for a temp job once, I'd say the big dealbreaker is the luggage they haul around. Just hanging onto things because they can.

They're hell-bent on reliving the Zimbabwe hyperinflation crisis by any means necessary.

You can see which of them actually had boyfriends that dumb before.

Sounds like you can put "Cybertruck repair technician" on your resume, then

Not too strange. I had a cat that would see I'm in the bathroom, then walk right outside the door and wait for me to conclude my business before following me everywhere again. (I had to leave the bathroom door cracked because that's where the catbox was).

I vastly prefer the carpets to the sofas. I would STRONGLY prefer the scratching posts bought specifically for her, but she's too good for those.

Some folks are lucky and have cats that are really good with managing their claws without destroying property. Mine goes ham on the carpets and I vacuum nail husks up all the time.

It's been stuck there at a while because too many people are going "heh funny sex number" and liquidating.

That, and bitcoin doesn't actually have the market cap people like saying it has.