Without going too deep into it and because I don't want to offend anyone, all I'll say is religion is a hard stop for me due to childhood trauma. There isn't, and never will be, a higher power I can accept or acknowledge.

All the AA groups I've heard of are built around this "god" thing. Are there any Aa groups that aren't pulling in this faith stuff? Believe it or not. Religion is a trigger for my urges.

Any advice appreciated, I am very new to sobriety and just searching for anything as a resource.

EDIT: I am truly shocked at the people pushing Jesus over actual treatment despite my extremely clear messaging. If anything, you have only served to push me further from AA and towards finding other organizations or solutions. I suppose this was a litmus test, and I've learned what I need to about exactly how I would be triggered if I tried at AA. I really hoped it was a more open organization, but it appears the culture of birth american Christianity is too deeply ingrained in its ideology. Which, in my opinion. Is a shame. People should have the power to chang them themselves. A god I don't have faith in cannot help me

EDIT 2: that was an overreaction on my part to a few outlying responses and I apologize. Like I said...my history and life with religion is...deeply traumatic and I mean that in the kind of horrific stories you hear and always think "never in my church". We'll it was in THREE of mine. I was a victim in 1 and the one who was exiled after revealing what what was happening in 2 others.

EDIT 3: I can't thank everyone enough for sharing their stories and also helping me understand that the HP being discussed isn't necessarily the one the church used against me. For so long that word struck fear down to my bones and made my blood run cold, guess I forgot that there's a philosophical or flexible lens to examine it from, if I can only.get passed the racing heartbeat and anger from the capital G "Hillsong white jesus" american Christianity that wreaked so much devastation in my life.

Eventually in my life, Even "spirituality" became a word I reacted angrily to, as it just seemed like someone changed the sticker in the same bottle but told me tasted different. I'm not so sure that's the reality. But the trauma colors the lenses a lot and makes it hard to see genuine from scheming offers of help.