And this was the part where she threw the frying pan at me.

This is such a totally apt synopsis of LG in just one simple snap.

Learning that girls are just as interested in you as you are in them.

Great era, even better playing partners. Love living through it. Wiki Stevie Winwood. Pretty impressive guy. Ginger on the other hand, despite his talent, was reportedly an irascible s.o.b.

I know this is true because it's wall to wall on the evening news.

I was actually commenting on the falsehoods that Mr. King espouses.

Patently false. Please educate yourselves.

Yep, that and to try to make as much money off of me as she could. She was divorced and broke when we met and she couldn't hold a job for more than a few months cuz she lied on her resume and job applications. I supported her for the length of our relationship and when my dad's estate was setlled with little to show for it, she handed me a Dear John note a week later.

Right. This is all over the mainstream news, right?

Look at all those righteously indignant patriots rising up to prevent SCOTUS from crowning the bad man king.

So over done. God I hate these.

We did a six week camping, fishing and hiking trip through Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. Stream dunks yes, showering, no.

Whale shark. The GT500 is worse. Change my mind.

There has always been Presidential immunity. Scotus has simply defined what the limits of it are.