True, I mean they had the right idea not staying loyal to either side. As soon as they had the dragons they should have run away

Yup, I said the exact same above. All he got was death and Oakenfisf living the good life. They all should have ran to different parts of Essos and lived it up with their dragons.

And what did being a loyal guy get him? Death, and Oakenfisf lived on to bang and get all the credit.

Ulf and Hugh had the right idea, they should have cut and run while they had a fucking dragon. Fly that bitch to Essos and set up shop, no dragons to fight against you, and everybody paying you to do easy merc missions.

I was thinking of Wat The Hewer I can’t believe I was thinking that was Dogget this whole time. I knew Dogget was part of the military branch of the 7, but no clue why I thought he was tortured by Maegor.

I thought he was the one Maegor chopped off his limbs and kept him alive? Was he pardoned post mortum by Jah, or am I mixing him up?

Yeah, and there’s really no way to prove it. Although, I’d imagine somebody in the Reach, Hightower, Redwyne, Florent (although Stannis already covered that) Tyrell etc would wanna marry somebody to Robert, the Riverlands would go along with whatever Ned and Cat do… I’d imagine those three regions would go along with it, and Baelish would see which way the winds blowing and steer Lysa in that direction, so they may just all believe it because it either benefits them (reacher lords), they already believe it (North and river) or it’s the winning side (Baelish/Vail).

Lots of assumptions on my part though, and it may give big vassal lords a chance to rise up if they support the west. Brack/Black, Yronwood, Dayne, whoever loses out in the reach and wants to marry into Jamie/Cersei/Tommen, and with winter coming maybe the north lords don’t send people down for a war that literally has no impact on them and they have no interest in the politics going on down south.

It’s kinda fun kicking all these hypotheticals for a fucking fake world around lol

Jesus I just looked it up. May as well eat a squid arm or a leech. And in a pot pie? Just put beef, pork, or chicken in there.

Whenever I think of lemon cakes I just think of a scone. I can’t stand lemon/lime deserts, so lemon cakes never exactly sounded too appetizing.

Now, the stew somebody mentioned above, that’s another story. I’m not big on soup, but I love spicy shit, and 7 snake meats, which when I’ve had snake at hole in the wall Brazilian places is always good, along with something called dragon peppers sounds fucking fantastic. I don’t like many soups because they’re always so plain tasting being water based, but dump some peppers with a crazy ass modifier like “dragon” in there, sweeten it up wit some white onions and sweet sausage, potatoes, corn and maybe some shrimp. I could live off that sort of stew.

How do you get this? I’m seeing some mention that this happens if you don’t help improve the Golf rejects, and after the battle for Hoover they try to flee. But how do you see this after the dam battle since it takes the player right to the ending slides? Do you need a mod to see this?

That last point seems likely but I’d imagine the entire realm would be in Bobby’s side. This would also give Robert an excuse to default on what he owes the Lannisters. He lets Jaime and Cersei live, Jaime goes to the wall, Cersei to CL for Tywin to decide, tommen wards but will be eligible to inherit CL, with Marcella’s children along with whoever Cersei married and their children being backups to that. While he loses Jaime and Joffrey, he gets an insanely malleable successor in Tommen. He gets Tommen back in a 5 years to train him to rule CL, and in exchange for his line and house not being eradicated, which would happen if he started a war, he forgives the outstanding debts owed to the lannisters by the crown.

$14 to see tool, Jesus. I paid $2400 for 2 tickets each night to the 10k warmup shows at NY City Center in 2006. I was so starved going 5 years with no TOOL shows after seeing my first on Lat, my TA didn’t get me pre-sale (or my fucking keychain) and it was still early in the resale days. I’m pretty sure I found the guy on TDN. Anyway, it was worth it but fuck man, $2400 as a 21 year old in 2006 was my entire bonus and 2 full months of rent at the time.

That’s what I’m saying though, Stannis thought Robert didn’t like him, but I think the text shows Robert does trust Stannis, hence putting him at the last Targaryen seat. Stannis had his perception of what Robert thought, and I think the reality (as real as it can be with a bunch of fictional characters in some old dude’s head) was more balanced, and Robert would never think Stannis is self serving. Just my $.02

I just can’t see Bobby killing who he thought were his kids just a few days before. Especially Tommen and Myrcella who didn’t exhibit any troubling behaviors.

I don’t think Robert would kill children that he considered his for 8+ years. Joffrey, he’d probably be more eager to send him to the wall, but I could see him letting Myrcella be a silent sister, or a lady back in Lannisport/Casterly, and Tommen a ward under somebody he trusts like Stannis.

I wonder if Robert would have believed Stannis though. He knows Stannis, and he actually trusts Stannis… and Stannis doesn’t make up stories. He probably could have saved everybody a lot of trouble by trying to look at things from Bobby B’s perspective (like putting him on dragon stone) as a compliment rather than an insult and trusting that his brother would listen to him.

But, if we had that story, Stannis tells Bobby and he believes him, then we don’t have all the other good stuff… although I’d love an alternate history with Bobby being super grateful of Stannis always being there for him, and treating him like he treated Ned. Meanwhile, Stannis doesn’t change a lick and is the same stern fuck

He’ll, for $6 it’s totally worth it. I saw signed copies of it when I saw schism at his house and they certainly weren’t $6.

I was expecting to see Cyraxx/Chance Wilkins aka the goblin of 339 Lloyd street.

I don’t know why people think he’s so funny, but he’s def better than ThatsGoodSports who’s such a freaking cornball.

That picture is great though, I still remember that play so vividly. One of the best passes I’ve ever seen in ultimate crunch time.

As somebody who doesn’t know shit about tattoos, what’s this trend? It looks like they just had the gun on strings hanging from the ceiling, pressed them against some area close to the shoulder blades and dropped them.

In no universe is he remotely near Deebo in big plays. His season last year wasn’t anything crazy, and nowhere remotely close to Deebo’s 2021. If this were 2018-19 CMC, sure, but he didn’t put anything close to that up last year when he had 2000 and 2300 all purpose yards, he was around 1700 last season on huge volume.

Sure, CMC is a better receiver than Deebo with his ~ the same number of targets, more catches, and 60% of the yards lol. But, it’s clear you love you some CMC, I’m not gonna keep going back and forth. Feel free to have “the last word.”