Ehh, I stand by it. My mind wasn't right last night, but my intended meaning is in there somewhere.


Imagine being a car racist. What if people are just generally trash? What a concept!

I'm also trash. Despite my best efforts, I'm still me. Here's hoping for a better tomorrow!

I saw a comment earlier where they called him Smilo Ren, and I just about lost it!

There's usually something around Frisco Square.

But, yeah.. traffic is going to be a pain getting out.

I don't know. I played Simon's Quest first, and I've never beaten the original (or CV3).

I love SOTN and all the games that built off of that formula.

So, I guess probably not! That makes me a little sad.

It's a picture of a woman in a bikini. You can see similar in a Sears catalog.

My buddy's crate is in front of a window, so he can watch animals in the backyard. He loves hanging out in there, so it's not a problem if I have to close the door when I go out.

The crate needs to be a positive place, so try not to use it as a punishment. I say try because sometimes a dog needs a timeout, especially if they're younger.

Good luck!

Yeah, I really don't understand all the hate this one gets. Other than bad translation messing with the hints, there's a lot to love in this game. Nintendo Power helped a lot.

I still remember my password for all items from when I originally played this at launch. Unfortunately, it's for the bad ending.

Gold dagger is OP on Dracula.

I really dig #4. That's some fantastic art.

You're doing better than most people. Cheers for taters!

Dogs are smarter than we give them credit for. Or maybe it's just instincts.

Either way, Buster knows what's up and is very happy to be there.

This post should be higher. The best thing that happened to my Lego Infinity Gauntlet was falling on the floor.

Tough subject.

I am against indoctrination, but I think awareness is important.

Are they including other religions in this effort? Are teachers going to present this without bias?

It's probably best to not do this. There's too high a chance of presenting Christianity as the 'one way' to be. Maybe just let kids be kids.

Content for internet.


And if anyone has a problem with it, I'll refer you back to NOM.