I'm a huge fan of APCs and IFVs in funny places with lots of stuff on them. For whatever reason, they just seem cooler. Tanks in general are always "cooler", but if I can see a BTR or an M113 or any of those weird Israeli/South African ones in funky environments i love it.

Disqualified from future service

It probably is literally for giving info that finds all of them. Which yes, $5k is not that much especially since they're paying for what will likely end up being the thiefs buddies or "customer".

Disqualified from future service

Only five grand? I'm not giving them back unless I get $6k. (This is a joke). For real though, $5k isn't THAT much money especially since theyre worth like 22k MSRP.

I don't remember if she asked, but she did call out Charlie about going into the 6.

Exactly. NO ONE would accept that win if the genders were swapped. This sub would (rightfully) be up in arms if a shown Strategic woman who led votes and was in on everything the whole game, got beat by a guy who did nothing, and just said "We're besties" and "you rock" to everyone (Literally what happened, btw). On a side note, that Jury session was rough, the cutting people off and the random time limits was NOT it.

Exactly. Since the mods removed my post I will copy it here, because it goes against the narrative:

NO ONE would accept that win if the genders were swapped. This sub would (rightfully) be up in arms if a shown Strategic woman who led votes and was in on everything the whole game, got beat by a guy who did nothing, and just said "We're besties" and "you rock" to everyone (Literally what happened, btw). On a side note, that Jury session was rough, the cutting people off and the random time limits was NOT it.

And I maintain that this sub only approves of that because of the make up of this sub; predominantly young progressive people who also watch RuPaul and Big Brother lol. NO ONE would approve of a swapped gender situation in this win, if a Woman who was shown to be strategic and right got beat by a guy (Ben) who jsut said "I love you" and "you rock" to everyone (literally what happened by the way, just flipped genders)

Doesn't make it good, they could have all voted Ben and it would be wrong

Y'all would freak THE FUCK out if the genders were swapped, and a #Girlboss strategist lost to Ben. Y'all are blinded by bullshit. New survivor strategy is jsut tell everyone you love them.

Because he's not a #Girlboss or whatever, this sub would FREAK if the genders were swapped

CBS needs some more diversity, 4 woman winners in 6 seasons, and only one white guy, where is the balance????!?!?!??!?!?!?1

Such fucking BS. Can show up, do NOTHING all game, and just say you love everyone. Bullshit

So what's the actual point if you can just tell everyone you love them and you're LITERALLY family now? Does executing votes mean nothing? Immunity prowess? Can't I just say "I'm here for you" to every player and just receive a million on day one?

It's like 99% Kenzie, you have the Jury shown sucking her off at fire, every one says they love her, shes gotten INSANE screentime for doing nothing this season.

Can't wait till i get on survivor so I can tell every other player I love them and just be handed a million dollars, because apparently that's all it takes.

Really puts a damper on the season. Kenzie is below Gabler for me. Better than Erika but not by much.

Fucking terrible. Cheats to the end, controls no votes, does nothing, and gets to win. Total fucking bullshit.

Who's the 5th guy from the Friday's appearance?

There's a guy on the 2 videos on youtube who I assume is playing a Keyboard to the left of Mick, and the camera treats generally like a half member of the band. He's definitely playing along and even exits the stage with the guys.

I've definitely exceeded 65 on those Uhaul Car hauler trailers. Live free or Die I guess.

What were you in Leesburg for? I'm from there.

You provided math that disproves your own point, lol. If I saved 2 minutes each way on my commute, 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year, thats 16 hours and 40 minutes a year that I gain to myself. Let alone if my commute is longer or I drive faster. I used to commute from Fredericksburg to Fairfax. Hell on Earth. Are you actually gonna sit here and pretend my time isn't worth escaping that? Not to mention the time and distance would be doubled, so make it 33 hours. Everyone going slower makes everything more miserable.

So, how many days left until we can call Bobby back up?

I'm sick and tired of watching Garrett Cooper hack away for nothing. We have expectations that he's not meeting. At least with Bobby we watch out of pity and are somewhat elated when he does anything. Plus he looked to be getting marginally better.

Lol, lotta people not taking this take well in the discussion thread. Both have weird edits but this was a guaranteed positive episode for Charlie. Identified Venus being weird, she goes home. Is friendly with both the Maria group and the anti Maria group. Was shown making a move outside of Maria. Kenzie meanwhile has like 5 minutes of one on one with Venus where Venus pulls the wool over her eyes. The edit doesn't have to show that, im sure there was hours of idol searching content. Then, after that she just disappears from the episode. When it comes to FTC, what can kenzie even stand on?