I get it, I very rarely discuss anything political as well. I just typically stay out of those conversations or change the subject. Not worth it, feels so damn polarizing these days sadly

Feel free to DM me with questions etc if you ever want help or advice about random stuff going on. Youre definitely in a heavy Russian population area down there around Anchor Point, TONS of seasonal fisherman...etc

Look, Im a red/conservative guy up here for a LONG time but I treat everyone I meet with respect and I have been to dozens of villages/towns for work etc. I honestly think regardless of your political stance up here, you get treated great. Whatever you do, dont take a tiny handful of advice from reddit on what we think its like. Just get out there, I promise youll more than likely be welcomed here

This site has gone insane, officially

This will NEVER get passed on a federal level, theres no fucking way. Next? I get being scared of it to be honest but theres no way. Why didnt he do this from 16-20?

Watch the latest debate and please god wake up

WHAT. THE. FUCK. Please tell me this is fake, please please please

Literally only on Reddit would this get his many upvotes/attraction - its actually adorable

Reddit is on fire in disbelief - god damn I hate this fucking site because of the absolute insane bias but I do like to tune in to this Sub. How brainwashed or delusional fo you have to be to not see this coming etc...anyways, love this sub guys, dont give in to the BS moderation or censoring from reddit

Please god help me and tell me how people this DUMB can survive the real world.....holy shinaynay

OKAY - this dude HAS IT lmfao, AWESOME!

Seeing shit like this is TRULY BREATHTAKING (probably spelt that wrong) - It is facking amazing....man

Im not being an asshole here, what do you actually think will be affected by your lifes if Trump is elected? Truly? Im asking you to not AUTOMATICALLY downvote because the word Trump is in my post. Tell me, I honestly dont know :/

These people are so out of touch with reality its insane

There needs to be be some sort of verification process for owning a dog. These people are pieces of shit and can probably barely handle any true responsibilities in their lives

God what a fucking moron. I really dont understand how someone can be a fan of this guy.

You're making his point bubba...do you ever read or listen to the things you type/say?

And he takes it off his mask for a bit while approaching the guy...lmfao you can't get any more stupid than this potato

For sure, hold strong. We can control prices ourselves, reddit is tiny in comparison to the overall market but its a start

You literally cant compare these older basic vaccinations with the covid ones and boosters, I truly hope you all can see and read the difference:( They Are Not The Same

That stuff is cool as shit. Love it. Wholesome as hell, would love to see it in person