Valley Village

Exactly why I leave the city and take my dogs to my in-laws for a few days.

Additionally, you didn't contribute whatsoever to the topic at hand or in the thread.

I'm missing your point. Question marks don't exist in the real world.

Left field comment. And at no point did I say it was either normal or minor. And again, Comey was the sole adjudicator in this case. Additionally, the original comment was on the October surprise of 2016 not Trump. What's that got to do with anything?

He had previously testified to Congress, that superseded the AG. Additionally, Loretta Lynch didn't want to touch that case with a 12 foot pole given the (mild) scandal of her meeting with Bill Clinton.

TBF, he had a legal responsibility to report back to Congress that the case was reopened. The more fucked up piece of shit was Jason Chaffetz who leaked the letter (which was an internal letter to Congress) regarding the investigation. Comey was stuck between a rock and a hard place and doesn't necessarily excuse his behavior but he is absolutely not the whole reason.

I'm not taking my response back but it was a knee-jerk response. I misread your morality take and thought that that was your doctrine. I do still believe that it is a net-negative take on morality.

If you think either of those countries would have a better hand at running the US, then you are absolutely delusional. In your comment, you mention waste; so China would be better than a western state in maintaining the environment or climate. Right. Get real.

Just say California; you'll get looks for saying Cali.

Woah, maybe not the dog. Dog didn't do anything in relation to this situation.

I have two home rules with horror movies: home invasions movies that show no adequate level of defense and the more extreme for myself which are bugs. But bug movie I can still watch if I have a pillow.

Some real shills in this chat. This "Godzilla" thing can't possibly exist. It's a government job; get your heads out of your ass.

To preface this, I am NOT saying "hackers don't exist in Hunt: Showdown." But Hunt is going through an event right now which sees an increase in sales and people (typically in higher elos; also Hunt only has like 6 elos) do repurchase the game for pennies on the dollar via keys. Hunt, itself, is a marvelous game when played fair and square; that being said Crytek has, and less so now, downplayed the fact that cheating does occur within their game. They do use EAC as their anti-cheating software, but any gamer worth their salt should know that EAC is a joke of an AC. Additionally, the clan tag in this video is known for being super salty, super racist and bigoted, and due to change within the game, have chosen to cheat at the game to be (pardon me) the biggest bitches in gaming. That is my 2 cents with over 2k hours.

This one thousand percent. Bernie was an independent his entire time prior to that campaign. Became a democrat, said he would remain one, then went back to independent. Man is a fucking hack.

Been away since I've seen King Kong (2005) (and even longer since I saw the original King Kong), but I feel like Kong's home was at least a call back to 05 Kong when he brought Watts back to his nest/home.

I've no clue who that is. Mind you, I despise reality TV.

Decent found footage film that deals with real horror. Worth a watch I think.

Sounds like you purchased from a keys site. Don't. Only purchase from official sites.