What a lovely surprise! What area?

Can you remember Consumer Distributors? I bet they had zero shrink!

Wonderment can be found anywhere. Peace can be experienced not matter where you are.

Almost midnight. Temp check looks fine.

I always use tap water. My Kombucha tastes fine and my SCOBYs are healthy.

You’ve nailed it for me. This is my concern. I have lots of experience in challenging lake water situations but I’m inexperienced with current. I don’t want to put myself in a situation where I’m over my head; pun intended. I live at the mouth of two rivers; Red River & Assiniboine and would like to paddle after work on the rivers.

Thanks for the link and your advice!🙂

I’ve done both. And didn’t have any issues, but I didn’t go all the way to the Red when on the Seine. Is the Red River a different story? How fast is the current. Can you paddle up stream or is the current too strong?

Thanks so much for your explanation. It’s very helpful!

Awesome thanks for the information!

Wow! I wouldn’t attempt that ever! Lake Winnipeg water changes way too moment to moment! I know Traverse Bay Area very well!

I just finished a batch using fresh Lavender. It is a surprisingly overpowering flavour. Less is more!

I should mention that after seeing this sky we turned back to shore. Clouds came in fast and low. Ten minutes later we reached shore and the sun was shining again. It was a brief paddle but I feel better about being cautious!