art is by Mike Franchina for the record,@mikefranchina_ on twitter

well yea that is true, but op is asking about the "world's prime". I guess whatever that is is subjective

Kinda but not really, I feel like with all the talk of the mentions of Dessimbelackis and the First Empire it kinda feels like things used to be greater then. Also the Ch'Malle technology is centuries if not millennias ahead of human's and they were at their prime like half a million years ago iirc

this item is really good if you play with SFO lol

Can an object's shadow not affect a specific other object?Question

I'll elaborate a bit: I need a shadow to affect my landscape, but not one of my characters, I basically want it to go through the character and be cast on the ground. Is that possible and if it is, how do I do it?

wow thank you for taking the time to answer most of my questions I really appreciate it!

Just got done with MBotF. I have many questionsSpoilerSPOILERS ALL

Just as the title says, I have a lot of questions, don't expect all of them to be answered. Note that I have only read MBotF so far and I plan on reading the Witness trilogy next, so if the answer to one of my questions is in there, just rafo me. The questions are also arranged more or less in chronological order to make it easier to understand some of them.

So here goes,

  1. Are the Azathanai the first race to exist?
  2. The Tiste Andii believe that Mother Dark created everything, but is that true? If not, was Mother Dark just the first Tiste Andii? Where did she come from?
  3. In GotM, what was the Coin's purpose and why did everyone want it?
  4. Who is Nightchill and why is she just chilling in a Malazan army?
  5. Why did Sorry try to kill Paran back in Pale (I think it was in Pale)?
  6. In DhG, what was the deal with the Soletaken going crazy over... potentially ascending I guess?
  7. Why did Duiker want to rescue Heboric from the Otataral mines?
  8. How did Duiker get to Darujhistan after being crucified? Was the locket given to him some sort of teleporter?
  9. What did Kallor know about Silverfox that made him hate her and why didn't he share it with everyone if it was so important?
  10. Why was Paran sick when he was on the verge of Ascendency?
  11. Why was Hood's warren less affected by the Crippled God's poison?
  12. What happened to Silverfox after MoI?
  13. What was the war on a distant continent that Lanas Tog was the only survivor of and who was it agains't?
  14. Are regular Imass immortal? If not, how is Kilava still alive?
  15. What made Onos Toolan become an Imass again at the end of MoI?
  16. Are people born Soletaken or can you grow into it?
  17. How/why did Grub and Sinn become so powerful, seemingly out of nowhere?
  18. What is the backstory of Gesler, Stormy and Truth and why are they on the verge of Ascendency during the entire series?
  19. Why did Sha'ik have to wait for Bidithal to "expose" the traitors when she already knew who they were?
  20. Why didn't Felisin say or do anything when she saw she had to fight her sister?
  21. How can the Crippled God have the power to raise the dead?
  22. What causes an Azath to die?
  23. Does Mael really only serve Tehol because he finds it fun?
  24. Is Mael using Mallick Rell to expend his influence in the Malazan empire or is he doing it on his own?
  25. If the Errant is the Chancellor's father, isn't he half azathanai?
  26. How are Trull Sengar and Serene Pedac in love after having talked twice?
  27. Why did the Queen of Dreams save Leoman?
  28. What was the point of Whiskeyjack's sister being there?
  29. What triggers the rain of green fire at the end of BH and what does it mean?
  30. Why does Tavore just accept her fate in Malaz City?
  31. Does T'ambre have any relation to the Eres'al at all or was she just posessed for fun?
  32. Why is the Eres'al helping the Bonehunters?
  33. What even is the Eres'al and what is it's goal/point/purpose?
  34. What happens to Apsalar after Malaz City?
  35. What's going on with the Empress, Mallick Rell and Korbolo Dom in Malaz City?
  36. Why is the Empress ordering the Adjunct's death?
  37. Why does T'Ambre think the Adjunct's life is worth more then hers and Kalams?
  38. Why are the Perish coming out of nowhere and suddenly swearing fealty to the Adjunct?
  39. How does the Adjunct simply know stuff, like where to go, what to do?
  40. What is the Dying God and where is it coming from?
  41. How did Gothos get on Genabackis from Tremolor?
  42. How old are Dancer and Kellanved when they ascend? According to the wiki, they would be at least 100 years old, and that is if they founded the Malazan Empire at age 2.
  43. When did Dassem Ascend into Dessembrae and how does that work, them being two different entities but also the same person?
  44. According to the wiki, Dassem is the First of the Seguleh, how and when did this happen?
  45. Did Hood and Anomander Rake plan to be killed by Dragnipur?
  46. Why did Spinnock Durav need to prevent Kallor from reaching Darujhistan?
  47. What would have happened if Chaos had caught up to the carriage inside Dragnipur?
  48. Appart from Sandalath's card (Queen of Darkness), what do the cards mean for each person during Fiddler's reading in Letheras?
  49. Who is Edgewalker exactly?
  50. What is Cotillion and Shadowthrone's actual end goal?
  51. What exactly happens to Icarium at the end of RG and during DoD?
  52. Why does the Adjunct insists on travelling the Glass Desert alone and why does she need to go across it at all?
  53. Where do the Nah'ruk come from exactly?
  54. Why are Gesler and Stormy made Mortal Sword and Shield Anvil of the K'chain Chemalle, seemingly out of nowhere?
  55. Again, how is Sinn so fucking powerful she can one shot a few Sky Keeps?
  56. How does Hood simply come back from getting his head chopped off?
  57. What is the Lightfall and what was going on with the Tiste Liosan for them to exterminate themselves trying to cross it?
  58. What made Sandalath go insane?
  59. Why did Gruntle try to fight the Eleints coming through the gate to Starvald Demelain and why did Kilava stop him?
  60. Is Olar Ethil the first Imass or was she the creator of the Imass?
  61. Is Burn just a fancy name for the planet?
  62. Are the Crimson Guard relevent at all in the MBotF series?
  63. Why didn't Tavore just outright kill Blistig one the dozens of times he rebelled?
  64. Who is Ruthan Gudd and why do the T'lan Imass call him Elder?
  65. What is the role of "Adjudant" exactly?
  66. Why is the Crippled God, who has been the antagonist for the majority of the series, suddenly someone everyone is trying to help and protect?
  67. Why does Tavore say "the day House Paran lost it's only son" when asked what caused her to go down this path (opposing the Forkrul Assail)?
  68. How did Ganoes Paran know to go to Kolanse? Was he in communication with his sister?
  69. What was the purpose of creating a body for the Crippled God?
  70. Why does Cotillion stab the Crippled God in the back when he seems to be on the verge of going home? What does it mean?
  71. What does Shadowthrone mean when he says that all the gods now hate him and Cotillion?
  72. Why did Karsa Orlong go to the temple of Fener in Darujhistan to kill the god?
  73. Why is Sinn suddenly evil on top of being omega powerful? (I know it's not that sudden but it's not like she was killing people left and right before)
  74. What was the armor worn by Ublala Pung?
  75. Who the fuck are the Nameless Ones?
  76. Is Laseen dead at the end of the series?
  77. Did Draconus come back just to kill Kilmandaros and Sechul Lath?

If you made it this far, I really appreciate any answer at all!

I loved Ranger's apprentice when I was that age. It's pretty straight forward medieval fantasy and a fun easy read

Why are there so many chinese players/names in NA?

The boys and I have been playing a lot of flex recently (low to high diamonds) and we've been playing agains't at least 1 person with a chinese name (either full on in chinese or a chinese sounding name) almost every game. Is there something going on with the server or as diamond elo always been full of chinese? My for reference :

I would absolutely not recommend MBotF to someone trying to get back into reading lol

I just feel like there's something I'm missing around this topic because you obviously aren't the only person with that opinion, yet I just can't figure out why people think certain characters are "flat" and why others who, in my eyes, are written on a similar level feel real. Even you saying that they "feel like a list of traits rather than people" doesn't tell me much

I feel like I could say the same for every character ever though. It isn't hard to list off traits for characters in The First Law (using this as an exemple again because I feel like it's what people consider to be the pinnacle of great characters in fantasy) but it doesn't make any characters have any less depth. Traits sure are an important thing, but to me what really defines a character is the way they act, think, interact with others and the way their arcs play out (and yea traits of course influence all of these things). The gap between Sanderson and other authors just doesn't feel significant to me idk

This thread is so interesting to me. Granted I may be biased as I am a Sanderson fan, but I never understood people who say that he's bad at writing interesting characters. I get the "his prose isn't the greatest" complaint and I agree although I personally don't really care, but to me he never was too far behind Abercrombie or Martin in terms of character depth (I love the First Law world btw (was heavily disappointed with ASoIaF though)). Of course Ninefingers is more interesting than, say, Vin, but I never found the difference to be night and day. Although, I will agree that the main reason to read Sanderson is his world building and magic systems, these two things are just a cut above what most fantasy authors can create.

I personally love the dry humour of Malazan and Midnight Tides has to be the funniest of the series

Sanderson gave a pretty good (imo) definitnion of what grimdark is: 'Any time a character makes a choice that is morally just, they suffer for it" honestly since then I just go by that, so things like the First Law, the Vagrant, Poppy wars, etc are grimdark and things like Malazan, Mistborn and Gentlemen Bastards which are set in a "dark" world would not be

is that the same as forward shading? if it is then no, I don't have it enabled. My AA method is FXAA, maybe it has something to do with that?

no it is not, and since I'm paranoid I even turned everything the amount and max to 0 before ticking them off just to be 100% sure lol

yes I do, although I haven't used it much so far appart from the volumetric fog

hey thanks for the comment! Unfortunately, I thought the same thing at first but it doesn't seem to be the motion blur as it's been disabled for a while now. If it helps, the ghosting also happens in the viewport, whether I play the whole sequence in one go or if I go frame by frame

Need help with ghostingHelp

hey guys,
So I have this issue where objects and characters will "ghost" in my renders and leave a sort of after image. It's pretty noticable, especially for objects that are close to the camera and I don't know how to fix it. Any ideas?

Question regarding BaklavasQuestion

Hey guys, I'll just get right to it: I really like making Baklavas, they're one of my favorite desserts. The way I make them is pretty simple:

I stack a few sheets of filo dough with butter and oil in between and eventually I put the nuts and spices before adding more sheets of dough on top. I then slice the sheets into shapes, usually triangles or squares, before putting the tray in the oven. When I take it out, I immediately pour how syrup (made with honey, sugar and water) so that it can mix well with the dough and nuts.

However, here's my issue: barely any syrup ends up soaked in the top half and the bottom half is always way to spongy. I know it's possible to have a nice even spread as the ones I buy at my local store are always well balanced, I just don't know a way I could do it. Any ideas on how to fix this issue? Sorry for the long post and thanks for reading!