My 11 year old son, over the past year or so, has got really into fantasy! He doesn’t really sit and read as he is very dyslexic and struggles but he adores audio books and listens to them every night! He also spends hours making up elaborate high fantasy style worlds, and I really want to encourage his interests with some great literature!

I love fantasy myself but all my favourite series I think might be a bit too much for him at the moment. I’m honestly drawing a blank and I am anxious of giving him something he won’t enjoy and putting him off because he’s really not enjoyed books that much before due to his struggles with reading. He’s enjoyed the chronicles of Narnia series, the hobbit, the rangers apprentice series! He did not enjoy the books I thought he would like Percy Jackson and Artemis Fowl.

Any recommendations would be so welcome!

ETA: I’m overwhelmed with the amount of amazing recommendations! Thank you so much to everyone who commented because I’m now on a mission to check them out and try them. I’m excited!