Is that the Puerto Rican rattlesnake?

You look like Rashida Jones and big bird had a baby

Obligatory what song is this sampled from

You have a chance to save yourself and keep your family. Make this your bottom. It only gets worse.

The shirt and glasses make this bit obvious. Is the "natty" guy really that oblivious? Is there any real content online anymore. Like Ai could make a better version of this bit

This kid is not stupid. He is stimming out. Rocking back and forth and rubbing his hands. This fucking guy should be an adult and know that. This kids parents are stupid for letting someone record their kid. The loon on her face like she is stupefied that's the worst part.

This comment is probably made hundreds of times on reddit. Where have you been. And only your 20's? As someone in my 40's I can say you have the confidence of someone in their 30's!

Eating it or sniffing is the best way to try to control the icy demon. Smoking is too easy to go too far too fast and then you're tweaked and locked in for a ride. The war on drugs did one thing for me. It made slamming shit a bridge too far. But I've heard that if women snort it. It can like really permanently cause brain damage. Either way recovery is possible. And if you think you can ride the wave. Snort small amounts and try to keep that demon at bay. It's fun til it's not. And it burns like hell

Not a predator. Christians evangelise. Vegans criticize. Fetlifers (blank). Idk. But I'm on board.

How do you effectively dogwgistle to find other lifers in the wild? I see signs all over fashion, media, socials.

When I met my new girlfriend I was like "I know what I like do you know what you like?" She has been real sheepish but definitely responds to my kinks. Knowingly or unknowingly idk. If only we could all be healthy and poly and unburden ourselves and find out what we like.

Dom on the said equals cheating. Unless you're poly. I said what I said.

Literally never wanted to do this. Afraid of getting hoof and mouth. But my woman I'm with now. Omg. Just visually has got me spun. I'm gonna wait a Lil longer. It'sa fairly new thing. But holy hell does she have a surprise in her near future.

And makes you take greater risks like unprotected sex and driving fast cars or motorbikes without helmets.

Or they are ashamed and trying to hide it from their family parents spouse. Can have someone snooping thru the trash. The amount of shame people feel about their orgasms is fucking ridiculous. THE ONLY THING THE PILGRIMS DID WAS BLOCK THE GREAT AMERCIAN INDIAN ORGY FROM HAPPENING

What's the song? How is that not obligatory

Non chalantly say "let's go have some fun in the shower." And then be prepared to spread and scrub your asshole in a fun way. And try to do hers next.