Mid 40’s, and very alone since my marriage ended in divorce about 10 years ago. I have no idea on how I will make friends or meet a potential partner. Since the divorce I feel that I give off a vibe that screams “damaged goods, approach with caution “

I just looked up Dr Carol Foster and it was nothing shocking of an amazing help. Thank you so much Valsarta!

I’d be REALLY careful in who this message goes out to….good luck 🍀

Physical magazines…. I don’t want to read a ‘magazine’ on my phone or tablet. RIP Game Informer

Weird thread to do this, but happy cake day!

Like many in here, I too want to know WTF is up with the whole “stain” thing…at least I think I want to know.

Glad I’m not the only one in Denver who’s had problems with emergency services. I was driving home from work 2 weeks ago and my car was hit by another vehicle and the fucker kept driving. I followed them, demanding that they pull over; no dice. I call 911 and they really want an address. I explain that I just moved to Denver and gave them the intersection where I was currently. I had to follow the other driver and basically corner them in a parking lot. The cops showed up about 10 minutes later and couldn’t have been more unhelpful or bored if they tried. Eventually I get to the part of this guy hitting and running and I was told that he ran because I was “acting aggressive”. Well yeah, when you hit my car with yours and drive away, I tend to get cranky. They then tell me there’s nothing they can do because it’s CSP jurisdiction and I’d have to wait over an hour for them to show up. I said fuck it and I’m letting insurance handle it. I have officially been welcomed to Denver.

As the father of a teenage girl who had speech issues, I wholeheartedly endorse your actions. Maybe the little shithead boy will learn something from this little experience.

I recently got an Arizer Airmax, and I’m not impressed. I’m a seasoned smoker, typically enjoyed combustion, edible, bongs, pens, and a crafty. I’ve tried different strains, averaging THC in the 20-25% range, different temps, and I just don’t get really high with the Airmax. I’ve gone back to combustion with my simple glass pipe for the time being. Sucks 🫤

I hope things end up going better for you! Feel free to dm/chat if you’re remotely interested in the perspective of a guy in his 40s who’s been there/done that and I’m still just as lost as you! 🙂

Maybe you haven’t found your type yet? I was checking out your profile and it looks like you’re in your 20’s, am I right? If that’s the case, then I’m sorry, but most guys in their 20s are still boys; I know I didn’t have my head on straight until my late 20s, early 30s. Probably not what you want to hear, I’m just speaking from my own experience.

Yeah, it’s pretty quick for me to decide whether or not I’m into someone physically, mentally, or both. I can be into someone mentally but not physically (friends that are female) but I’m not going to be into someone physically without the mental. That’s the whole hookup culture…and yuck.

Akira - favorite movie of mine for close to 30 years. It really resonates with me.

I think it comes down to values maybe? Different people place different levels/standards of importance on mental/physical/emotional connections. We’re all different in what we need and want from a potential partner. Lots of people place more importance with physical vs. emotional-some place more importance on one or the other. Personally, I can’t have 1 without the other, they’re symbiotic. Which is why hookups mean absolutely nothing to me. Been there, done that, and no thank you!

As a guy, I can say that I’m simply not going to be physically affectionate with a girl unless I’m definitely interested.

This was the first movie that popped into my head. The fact that it’s entirely possible makes it somewhat terrifying!

I have a decent history of long term relationships and I used to be married, all to females. With that said, I have NO clue why, but I get hit on by gay guys about 3x as much as girls. I wouldn’t be alone if I was gay or bi, but I’m 100% cis, so.. alone, yay. 🫤

I stopped eating pork around 20 years ago. I simply can’t eat a sentient creature. I also don’t eat beef but that’s different.

The only time that I will walk into someone (half of the time) is when they’re absorbed in their cell phone and can’t bother to join the waking world and it has nothing to do with any “ism”. F them

Excellent analogy with the paralysis. I should mention that to my parents and my lifelong struggle with depression.


You are not alone in how you are feeling. I would go into more detail but I’d probably end up banned. Good luck 😑