And that makes sense.  If you're not following NJPW, your exposure is going to be severely limited.  Most fans do not follow that and so will only have tangential knowledge.

Not even in the same conversation.  The vast, vast majority of wrestling fans know very little, or nothing, of the Bullet Club.

I got one 14 years ago.  It was fucking hard as fuck to get.  

I think it depends on what you're doing.

Marty Jannetty has to be the number 1 own worst enemy.  But an interesting post nonetheless.

That's very interesting insight on the legal side.  I've only come to sort of buy that one because of how loyal TK seems to be, as well as people Like Bischoff implying it (I think he's outright said he believes it now).

There are only two of which I can think that I believe may be true (though I don't strictly believe them):

1.  WBD owns a part of AEW.

2.  The Young Bucks were retained in their last round of contracts solely to appease Kenny Omega.

I don't think he's on par with Punk when it comes to the importance of the debut.  If we focus on that period of time, Punk debuting was massive (regardless of the events of the next two years).

I think you either do vignettes to introduce him or you have him debut similarly to how you debut someone like Adam Cole.  But, see, even Cole's debut I think meant more than what Ricochet will mean.

I could be wrong!

I don't share your view, but I understand where you are coming from.

I'm not going to criticise you.

I haven't been excited for a card in a while; my comment was positive.  For me, this is something to which I'm looking forward.  There is nothing 'wrong' with me stating how I feel about this card and previous weeks.

This is the first card in a while where I am genuinely excited.  Some good story behind these matches.  Looks good.

Edit:  I guess, based on the downvotes, people aren't excited?  Weird.

Rich guys set it all up.  They whispered in his ear over time he had this weird power.  In reality, they used money and influence to fake it.

He doesn't need to wrestle a single match, but can greatly help story.  He can take the odd bump and show his ass (figuratively).  He is a big name who would draw curious eyeballs.  What else do you need in a character?

In the words of Jean Luc Picard, the greatest captain:

Make it so.

The only thing that makes sense is he is mentally deranged and people around him helped make his delusional fantasies real.  

Paul Bearer was an evil manipulator who made it initially possible with Brother Love's help.  

Dibiase could have bankrolled the light show, putting the capital down to buy the tools.

Once he splits from Bearer, his personality shifts.  Still delusional, Vince McMahon sees money in him and keeps the ruse going.

In 2000, he gets on meds and becomes his true self.

Then he goes away, Bearer comes back and twists his mind.

He murders Bearer when he figures it out.

Then, as he is guilty of murder, he keeps up the insanity charade to avoid prosecution.

Give him a manager who can talk.  Stokeley comes to mind as he's the best talker of their current crop.  Callis would work well if you wanted an Ospreay feud.

This match, and any gimmick match, should be driven by story.  If there's no natural story to tell in that cage, you don't have the match.  This is why Blood and Guts should not occur at the same time every year; it should vary and work with the stories, not the other way around.

You can get there with the women, but right now I don't see a natural 5 v 5 match; it would be very forced.  If you want this done, you need to build.

I don't think success is up for debate.

I love it.

I like an old school heel announcer who actively avoids supporting the good guys and ignores/justifies the heels.  It works well when you have announcers like Excalibur or Tony who are white meat babyface announcers.

And he's legitimately funny.

Meltzer is going to run out of stars.  They had to book this in the Tokyo Dome didn't they?

With the buy in?  At least 5.5 to 6 I'd guess.

I'm fine with lots of matches on PPV, but I don't love shows going more than 4 hours.  That's a huge time commitment.

Anyways, skipping tonight as FD does nothing for me as a fan.  Looking forward to Dynamite and beyond.