Didn't work a single time for me; I own the PC version.

I've got a current save and old end game save from a few years back. Loaded the end game save, quit to main menu and started a new game without shutting it off 3 times in total like people online were mentioning.

Each time I've gotten to the part where you can access Max's menu, there was no end game jacket nor shotgun.

New game plus. That's all I'd say it needs.

It sucks that by the time you unlock the coolest looking leather jacket and the iconic car, there's literally nothing to do on the map anymore.

Tell me you're trolling 😳...

To be honest I'd be fine with a simple camp reset option to have something to do after finishing the game.

It honestly sucks that they gave us the iconic leather jacket and car at the end, but both are actually completely useless to use then as by that time the whole map has been emptied.

I've done it 3 times. Each time though it was an enemy who stepped out of a car... leading to me exploding 😂.

Congrats ;)!

I have reinstalled it 4 times overall within the past 2 weeks, gotten halfway through and unfortunately decided to stop playing it.

Graphics are incredible, music is amazing, but there's something about the exploration that I just ultimately didn't like. Also the combat is pretty bad and since there's a lot of it overall, it was the final nail in the coffin.

Hell! Thanks a ton!

Unfortunately I've got no time to go to the cinema this week, and since Chumbucket is pretty much in my top 3 video game characters ever, I was just super impatient about seeing what he looks like.

Thanks a lot :D!

Is he at least hunchbacked?

I'm playing the game for the 2nd time ever after finishing it about 4yrs ago and he's basically in my top 3 video game characters ever.

The cat definitely needs an exorcist!

Seeing a facial model like this in New Vegas disturbs me for some reason. Because of this, I never used a single mod that was making the character models "HD" or anything like that.

What games is OP talking about exactly?

I can't think of a single big game releasing in the next few months' 🤔.

I've yet to see Furiosa, but are there any pics of what Chumbucket looks like in the movie?

I know, I know, just watch the movie. I don't have time to go to the cinema this week and I'm really impatient 😂.

Have to agree here. The gameplay in Mafia 3 was/is really good. Not mentioning that I always liked how muscle cars look and given the game's setting, it's all about muscle cars!

I will have to try it when I finish the game this time around. I unlocked too much already since I started the game again to start from scratch.

Thanks for the reply :).

Really O_O?!

How does it work when there's no new game plus and no way to transfer progress between saves?

It makes me wonder now though, because Steam automatically downloads saves from the cloud, so I've had 2 end game saves when I started a new game right now, almost liberated the whole Jeet territory and don't have access to the jacket nor said end game shotgun 🤔.

But in this case the system is flawed in your opinion because of the playstyle you've chosen to give yourself knowing well that the save system in this game will make you frustrated if you play like you say you do 🤷.

Anyway, you do you. You play games however it works for you. Just choose a game which allows you to play this way without making you frustrated.

Getting frustrated at a video game is pretty weird to me to be honest. Video games are a pastime that should let you relax after work etc. not make your life even tougher than it already is most of the time ;).

PC: Is there any mod or a glitch that will let me have the end-game Max jacket on a new playthrough?

I'm currently playing the game for the 2nd time ever. I still have my old end-game save on Steam so I can drive around in the Interceptor, wear Max's classic jacket and have the shotgun, but the problem is that by the time you finish the game (given that you wanted to have all the upgrades for both Max and the car) there's nothing to do anymore aside from just driving around aimlessly.

My question therefore is: Is there any way to start a new game, but to at least have access to the Max's classic jacket? It's the coolest one the game offers and it's a bummer I can't use it on a new playthrough when I actually have stuff to do on the map.

Thanks in advance for any replies :).

It's never been a flaw for me in any game which had a save system working like this.

Again, I simply downvoted you because you yourself chose to play this game the way you do while knowing that it has a save system that will make you frustrated with it the way you want to play games apparently.

If you want no death playthroughs in games and games which have auto-save only frustrate you because of the play style you chose for some reason, then only play games which have manual saves and multiple slots for this.

Poof! Problem solved 🤷.

There's literally nothing to do in the game after you finish it though. I was quite bummed about it, because the classic jacket looks super cool.

Nope, I downvoted your comment because you blame the game saving mechanic on something that you chose to suffer through yourself in my opinion. Nobody forces you to play Mafia 3 this way, especially since its save mechanic clearly makes you frustrated.

Drop it then and play something that lets you save whenever you want. Also, if a video game of all things makes you pissed off/angry, I'd say try to find a different pastime ;).

On the contrary. I must admit that the gameplay loop in Mafia 3 was repetitive after some time, but I disagree on everything else you said.

Gameplay in Mafia 3 is much better, story/plot as well (much more mature which was my cup of tea), characters were far more interesting and there was a lot more content to unlock etc. And I have to SO disagree about Lincoln simply being "Vito 2.0" like you said. He was a much better written character.

Mafia 2 scripted events looked cool, but the story, characters and above all else the gameplay, were really mediocre to say the least. I recently finished Mafia Remake on PS5 and Mafia 2 is simply awful in comparison to it and Mafia 3.

I concur with the guy above. Just don't die then?

Besides, who forces you to play a pretty long open world game with a crapton of activities so that you don't die a single time?

It sounds like the most un-fun way of playing a video game I've ever heard. If it'd be restarting games each time I die, I'd still be stuck playing God of War 1 on PS2...

I played Mafia 3 on PC around 3 months' after it was released and had no issues with not being able to talk to NPCs etc.

It was overall better to me than Mafia 2. Vietnam war is barely touched in games, so it was a huge draw for me. The way the plot was unfolding was really uniquely done for a video game (interviews with people talking about the past events. Story was really good, gameplay great with really brutal melee that reminded me about the PS2/XBOX The Punisher which is one of my favourite video games ever.

It was a bit repetitive content-wise, but other than that it's a really good game that got far too much flack for not being "old-school" enough, as in set during the great depression or something.