Compromise on 10? I got mine at 10, took good care of them, no infections. My parents had some restriction a5 first. No dangling earrings, gold or stainless posts. These relaxed as I got older and more responsible.

Yeah, this made me think of a friend of mine who us quite short. He's also handsome and a great guy. In high school, he dates a girl who was several inches take than he. They never worried about t, because they loved each other.

He eventually wound up falling for a petite woman who is a bit shorter than hem. They have been married for 15 years and have two kids..

Those people are jerks. There are lots of women who will love you for you, and won't care about your height or your bank account. Your response wasn't the most mature, but it is completely understandable. NTA

That Yankees announcement would cause some drama, as the New York branch of.the family cheered and the New England branch booed.

Not gonna lie, thought this was going to be two furries getting married and insisting all attendees wear fur suits!

My question is how she kept him from checking out her social media, which would probably have made it clear she was not a college student. Did she give him a fake name? Convince him she didn't have any? I can't imagine not looking up someone on social media, especially if I was thinking about dating/hooking up with that person.

My step-grandmother, lol! She was a lovely person, but she had hoped one of her grandchildren would be named after her (unisex name). When her youngest daughter and son-in-law adopted their daughter, they told my step grandmother they didn't have any ideas for a girl's name. My step-grandmother promptly said, "Name her after me!'' They did.

This! Neither of my grandmothers went by Grandma. That didn't make them any less my grandmothers.

Yeah, I imagine this would have caused a problem with a roommate! My solution would have Ben to start diapering the dog rather than spaying her, but spaying a pet is a kindness. My family had female dogs when I was growing up, and they were spayed as puppies. My mom was not about to deal with a dog in heat!


I wonder why it's unsafe? I took riding lessons when I was 9 and 10. Full-grown horse, and I was petite. Certainly less than 100 lbs. Maybe he was an especially gentle horse?

This. I am Autistic and have a lot of sensory issues. Loud noise is a big one. Earplugs like the ones you got her are a blessing. Please don't take them away from her. If she eventually grows out of her sensitivity to noise, great. Earplugs won't prevent that from happening, and they make her so happy!

Nonsense. My ex-bf did our laundry, and he did all of that. How one does laundry has nothing to do with being a man or a woman.

My mom says the same. She had an epidural with me, but my brother came so fast (45 minutes, beginning to end) that there wasn't time for an epidural. Even though she was in labor with me for much longer, she says it was the easier delivery because of the epidural.

One of my great-grandmothers was named Agnes, so to me, it is an old lady name.

There could be other reasons she can't work. Maybe she has health or mobility issues holding her back. Not every SATW is lazy.

Um, Lily chose not to announce her engagement publicly so as not to draw attention away from her brother and SIL. I did something similar; my husband and I got engaged a few days before the baby shower for my first nibling. We didn't tell anyone but our parents until afterward. I doubt she wore her ring to distract from the couple. No one noticed my engagement ring at the baby shower (it's not a traditional ring, but it is a very nice ring, and it was on my left ring finger).

Three years ago?

Time to put a little effort into forgiving him -- that is, if you want this relationship to work out. How long do you plan to stew in resentment, holding this against him? Forgiveness isn't easy or fast, but there years is enough time to decide if you plan to forgive his mistake or not.


Your house is your house. You get to stay there as much as you want, and you get to decide who stays there with you. "No," is a complete sentence. Keep saying it. They can get a hotel room or an Air B&B.

My parents had a, "No singing at the table," rule. I geww up considering it rude. (I know not everyone feels thid way.) Maybe it's too late, but you could try instituting this rule (goes for Scarlett, too, despite her beautiful voice). Maybe if Ava knows beforehand thar singing is not allowed at the dinner table, she will have an easier time controlling herself. Give her the chance each meal, but stay firm in consequences. If she wants to sing while she eats, she can ea at her own, separate table, where you and anyone else eating dinner can't hear her.

Be clear this is a consequences for breaking the new, "No singing at the table," ryle, rather than any objection to her voice. Remind her she is free to sing at other times, but the table is not an appropriate place for singing. In the future, when she's at college or goes out wuth friends, people will quickly get sick of this hab6, and not want to sit with bet, ot invite her out. Dates will probably also find this annoying or embarrassing. Learning not to sing at inappropriate times now will benefit her in the future.


If she didn't know you didn't enjoy it, she might make this trip or something like it an annual tradition. Now she knows you would prefer a different kind of celebration. My husband likes surprises. However, I usually give him at least a little information about what I am planning, to make sure he will enjoy it. I think that when planning a party, "Is this the kind of thing they enjoy?" should be the first, and most important, question.

My brother and his wife wanted kids. They have a lot. They helicopter HARD.

My friends named their pldes4 daughter Satyne (said "sa-TEEN,' like the fabric). They call her Teeny. (If you thought the name was pronounced, "S*tan, you aren't alone.)

I read "fucking up" as in "fucking awake," and unless you have a bedtime and were up way after, there is no reason for him to walk in. Especially without knocking.

I don't think you would be an asshole. My dad took my brother to England when he was 17. My mom and took.a trip to Ireland and Scotland a couple years after that. My mom and I had a spa weekend together a couple years ago. Just make sure you also set aside some time to do special things with your younger child, too!