I have been there brother I sold out to Jesus in a mental health and detox facility I was in because I was trying to kill myself during a bad withdrawal, six years after I was saved and baptized. I was not a good Christian for years but he is always right there reaching out his hand just cry out to him and tell him exactly how you feel and ask him for help and don't be afraid to seek professional help if you need it there are millions of Christian counselors and therapists and psychiatrists. I'm praying for you!

Great way to find a new fishing spot or hear about the latest lure at least in my area but we are close to a major lake lol.

Like I said it will peak before you die just like beanie babies did, they are worthless now I sold six giant storage tubs of beanie babies last year it was barely worth the trouble and I gave a lot of the common ones away to kids I know.

Funko pops resale value will definitely peak during our lifetime. It's our generation's version of those collectors plates and spoons from the 70s and 80s they were valuable all the way up until the people who liked them started to die now you can pick them up for 3 dollars a piece at goodwill. I guarantee you the next thing to go down is going to be 80s action figures when our parents start to die then it will be the pops when we start to die.

I blame the movies deliverance, Texas chainsaw massacre, and the hills have eyes for the paranoia around psychos in rural areas. Most of the psychos I know (rural Georgia) are more likely to talk you to death about weird shit or conspiracies than anything. Methheads are who you really have to watch.

I mean the entire stormcloak rebellion is literally caused by the thalmor torturing and brainwashing a known racist with political power to destabilize the province that produces a large number of foot soldiers for the empire anyone who truly wants revenge for the great war will not stand with that fool ulfric.

SO? As in not their parent? as in not their fucking business? NTA you can move your kid if they are tearing stuff up. Id dump their ass because they are definitely going to enable bad behavior in your children.

There are rabbis here? Pharisees were the beginning of rabbinical Judaism, Sadducees stopped existing when the temple was destroyed and the Pharisees took power. The word you're looking for is legalistic for people who put the letter of the law over faith and the spirit of the law. Pharisee=original modern rabbi. legalistic/legalism=beating people/self up with rules.

As a person on the spectrum it hurts my brain, but I understand "normal" people aren't interested in where words come from or niche history like me so hopefully this will spark an interest in someone.

It was the best ps2 game of the series too!

I came here to say it! Best book, best movie, and best PS2 game

Nah it's a wisteria dragon it breathes pollen and does 3 D6 allergy damage.

Nah it's a wisteria dragon it breathes pollen and does 3 D6 allergy damage.

Well everyone else took hugs crying and worship so I'm gonna get Jesus and saint peter together for a fishing trip with me and my dad and uncle.

I am praying for you brother. My wife and I are looking forward to meeting our three children for the first time in heaven too.

From Georgia I can confirm I have heard the word redneck (meaning poor and uneducated not just being super Southern) said with such hate and vitriol you'd think it was a racial slur pre-civil rights and bragged about like it was a knighthood, just depends on which county you're in.

We are happy you're here God bless you and the Lord keep you!

The same people who judge Christians for their views on homosexuality are the same people who won't say a word about Islam having a way stricter view (the penalty in most countries with sharia law for homosexual behavior is public execution) because they don't want to be "racist" or "xenophobic" and they are more than likely supporting "Palestine" (read as Hamas) they may even have marched chanting "from the river to the sea" when that was the fashionable way to protest Which is Hamas' call for genocide against the Jewish people in Israel.

Tik Tok is not school and honestly if you let your kid be on tik Tok you are making a mistake. It's been proven the app is designed to make our kids dumber and pump them full of this kind of propaganda while simultaneously being heavily censored in China to only show kids educational videos and if you are under a certain age in China they actually limit how much time you can spend on it.


For us older folks I put it like this if you think your kids are using tik Tok to watch anything decent and you see they have questionable stuff on their feed it's the same as buying them a playboy for the articles and being surprised they see a nude picture every few pages.

Honestly it comes down to the laziness of parents from the last about 50 years it started with letting the TV raise the kids that led to the current societal degeneracy now it's just the Internet raising them which will lead to worse degeneracy.

Source: I was raised by YouTube (pre heavy censorship), and the tv and it messed up my head especially when it came to my political ideas and views on how bad drugs are which led me to try some drugs that my favorite Internet personalities said were no big deal, which led to 12 years of drug addiction because it turns out some people smoke a joint and then decide any kind of high is "preferable" to being sober.

When I was in the mental ward my best friend in there was on haldol and struggled with remembering what we studied in the Bible even a few minutes after we finished we eventually figured out that praying before and after for remembering what we studied along with taking notes helped a lot. I'm praying for you!

Also when they hit you with earthly "logic" (there is no true logic, reason, or wisdom without God) about the LGBTQ+ agenda hit 'em with

Isaiah 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.


John 15:18-19 says, "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you"

Honestly they have to be demonic anyone else would just leave the church if they wanted to live in sin these people want to take over every mainstream denomination and warp the gospel to encourage sin that has to be the enemy because if they really wanted to be left alone they would leave the church and scripture alone.

I like to use a legal analogy: if you move to a kingdom and refuse to follow the kings laws it doesn't matter if that law makes sense to you or seems unfair it's the law if you break it be prepared to be deported out of the kingdom.

I'm sure there are people in heaven who while alive suffered from same sex attraction but through the grace of God overcame it either by conversion or celibacy. But there is no one in heaven who in life was an unrepentant homosexual, and definitely not a single "pastor" (wolf) who is LGBTQ affirming or that performs LGBTQ unions or encourages any other unrepentant sinful lifestyle will be there either.

Put a cork in the ground, water it with corn mash, boom organic homegrown whiskey.

I didn't say it did, You were the one saying they don't discuss their sex life, just their romantic life. I was simply stating from my experience (to be fair I have been out of school for 7 years but my sister is in a public highschool RN I'll ask if things have changed.) that neither of those things happened, mind you I did not meet every teacher but I never once heard a teacher mention their romantic life gay, straight, asexual, Christian, atheist, or Jewish not a single one mentioned their home life at all and the only time sexuality was ever mentioned was to reiterate that homophobic speech would be punished.They generally just focused on teaching and I assume teachers still focus on teaching. All this "they are telling my son to be gay" stuff seems like paranoia to me.